
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Questions Answered......

Tina Asks: "What do you like most and hate most in people?"

- I tend to be most attracted by people who are natural and effortless... Someone who has an easy sense of humour and a positive outlook of themselves. Someone who has opinions with something upstairs to back it up.
I absolutely cannot handle the type of people (men especially) who are constantly in a "who's cock is bigger than whose" contest.... The typical argument for the sake of arguing people. Life is too short to always be right.

"If you could meet anybody, who would it be?"
- I think I would like to meet my fave author Erika Lopez.
She is the most hilarious, off-the-wall and enjoyable writer EVER. She writes the way my mind thinks.....

"You're pretty open in your blog, but have you got any really deep secrets that you don't tell a soul? (I'm not asking you to reveal any, just wondering if there's a darker side to Connie)".
- I have to say yes.... I've certainly had my moments in the past. I think every person alive has at least one deep dark secret about themselves, don't you think?

"Do you ever get "straight" women hitting on you, and how does this make you feel?"
- you know something, in my past experiences, its generally the severely intoxicated straight women that find me irresistible. One girl who works in the office at my company even went as far as to slur "You know, at one time I thought I was a lesbian... If I ever am I would go after you, but I don't know if I could, you the sex part" and then she hiccuped went in for a kiss, then pulled back and said "I probably shouldn't"...and stumbled off to the party. The whole time my eyes bugging out in disbelief, so shocked I never said a damn word... I mean I never would have guessed that would have ever taken place in a million years.
I have also had various make out sessions with 3 other so-called-straight women - 1 who even had a boyfriend. (geez, sounds like I've a sordid past doesn't it?!?!)
I suppose I should be flattered but it more makes me wonder just how many "straight" women there actually are out there who are that easily swayed with a little bit of alcohol..... Which brings me to your question "Who was your favourite snog"?
It, hands down, was with a straight artist girl I lived with when I was 20, whom I was in raptures with for years and was single-handedly responsible bringing out the whole "librarian" business in me. The unrequited love was painful and she and I eventually went our separate ways... her finding a boyfriend and me trudging thru a string of utterly horrible girl relations.
- New Years Eve 1999; she briefly shows up at my party just before midnight, doesn't say too much, but at 2 minutes to the hour comes over and plants a long passion-filled kiss on me, states matter of factly that she is leaving, finds her boyfriend in the crowd and is gone.
I've not heard from her since.

Herge Asks: " What was your best sexual encounter?"

- My best sexual encounter.... Well it would have to be the first night I met my lovely Girlfriend Jenn, last year on a blind date/setup dinner party. She was here to visit her niece who happens to be the girlfriend of a good buddy of mine at work. To make a long story short, the remainder of her visit from Edmonton to the Okanagan ended up being with me in a blissed out sexathon. I honestly don't think we have missed a day speaking on the phone since or gone more than 6 weeks without seeing each other... (I really should've bought shares in Westjet.)
Going back to Tina's question - Jenn makes me laugh so easily... That is such an utter turn-on in the simplest form.

"What's your favourite meal?"
- I really love any type of curry dish, pizza, and for some reason I eat a lot of pickles and Havarti cheese on Whole wheat crackers.

"Your favourite song?"
- As far as a song that I love and that I have never got sick of hearing is "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac... it makes me feel happy everytime.

"Your fav telly show? (think I already know the answer to this un)"
- Yes obviously "The L Word", but to be honest I tend not to watch T.V. that much. I usually go for a "Simpsons" rerun if I do.

"On the boobs post, was one pair yours?"
- Ah HA Herge! I musn't tell a lie.... Mine were in fact the bottom left - the sunburnt ones with the pink shirt. It's not the most flattering picture of them, hence I didn't receive one vote. I assure you they are MUCH nicer when they are out and about.

Lisa From Alaska Asks: "Do men hit on you? How does a man's game differ form a woman's?"

- Actually Yes, They do. Mostly it is my work mates because we have formed a pretty cool respectful bond over the years. I think these guys appreciate my ability to muck in with them and to have a laugh about the perpetual "guy stuff". I think they are attracted to the "buddy" type thing they get with me....I suspect it's ultimately quite the change from their prissy, bitchy wives - that, in addition the whole "you probably haven't great sex with a man (namely me) yet" lesbian challenge.
The mens game is generally a sex thing first off, its all sweet talk and fluff, where as typically a woman is looking for a companionship and trust first, hence a lot of talking and questions and generally the sex will come later.
But, then again, before I get all stereotypical on your ass, I have also come across the seductress types before - and you know they are all about one thing... And that's cool too.

"I imagine that your job allows your brain quite a bit of free time to wander. That do you think about when you're grinding away? Do have reoccuring thoughts/daydreams/fantasies or is it mostly random?"
- That's actually a cool question... Its either my brain is completely engrossed with trying to figure out the repairs from Boeing engineering drawings when doing major stuff, or when we have the monotonous tasks, like corrosion grinding, the mind is definitely set adrift. I tend to think about what I will write in my blog posts to be honest! That or crunch numbers of my debts. Lately though it has been stressing out (in a good way) about the arrival of my GF and all her furniture in 2 weeks... Stay tuned for more updates on that coming very soon.

"If you were a cereal, what would you be?"
- Fruit Loops!

April Asks: " What was your most embarrassing incident ever? If you could do things over again, what would you change? And Why?"

- Well, the first embarrassing thing that comes to mind happened at my High School Graduation Party at a classmates Farm. I wish I remembered the details a bit better, but basically being 17 and not that big of a drinker, I polished off 6 Labatt's Ice beers and somehow I went in the ajoining forest to either #1. Pee #2. Puke or #3. A little bit of both. Well turns out in my drunkenness I curled up on the forest floor and slept the night. I awoke to a beautiful morning at approx. 6 am with not a soul in sight. Too embarrassed to knock on the classmates door I trudged the 2 km's back into the nearest gas station where I called my more than annoyed father to come pick me up. While I waited, sitting on the curb, covered in mud and stinking of my alcoholic exploits , a man gave me a dollar and told me to buy myself a coffee because I looked like hell.
All in all I wouldn't have changed a thing... Years later it remains one of those great youthful legacy stories.

Karen Asks: "Are you hyper all the time in real life?"
"And are you a "boob" woman or a "leg" woman?"

- Well, Karen, I used to be a lot more hyper in my younger years, but the stresses of a real life full time job, taxes, home ownership and the state of the world has mellowed me out a bit although I still enjoy singing out loud while I am at work.
It's funny because in reality I prefer to spend time by myself nowadays for the most part because people generally annoy me, but get me in the right mood and put me in a social atmosphere I tend to be the cheeky loudmouth and mirthful one. It must be my Gemini duality coming out.

As for being a "boob" or "leg" girl I would have to go with titties for sure.... (although I have been know to adore a nice set of ass cleavage a time or two as well.)

Barbara Asks: " Why do you think that a "ask me a question" post is an interesting thing?"

Well, Barbara I think we all tend to be paranoid and pre-programmed to be so cryptic and anonymous when it comes to the internet and "cyber-relations" so to speak. It's always the question of how "real" this whole thing is and whether its worth the emotional attachment. Whatever it is, I sure seem to spend a shitload of my free time worrying about it.... That's real isn't it?
ultimately I think this is an exercise in letting down your guard a bit, opening up. ......That and its an easy blog post for the day!

....And Last but certainly not least,
Erin Asks: "How about....Are you coming to the cabin the last week in August? Book off some time and get the girlfriend out too. She has to be initiated properly and you know that takes a few days minimum."
- Erin Baby, I am there! Yes, I know all about the "few days minimum" thing. I believe I arrived up at that same cabin last August with a full intention of staying one night bringing 12 beers and a blanket. 3 days later (still in the same clothes) I managed to scrape my sunburnt corpse off the dock and make it home for my night shift. Thank-you for the invite.... We shall be in touch. I am certain I will be hosting a fabulous deck party before then and you are on the coveted guest list.

P.S. - Thats you Erin, in the center, rockin' out to Dolly Parton.... remember that! Good Times - lol!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Now Ask Me a Question!

"Go on then, I've shamelessly stolen this from Herge and from Karen, and now from Tina but I guess there's no reason why others can't use the same idea for their own blogs."

Thats what I'm thinking.... we should all really do it.

Alright then "If anybody's interested enough, feel free to ask me a question. Anything you like. Go ahead, I'll either be honest or suitably evasive, but I'll aim for the former."

(I am leaving for work shortly, but ask anyways and when you wake up tommorrow all the questions will be answered. It will give me something amusing to do tonight.)


This is a stunning sample of the types of Corrosion you can find in a belly baggage pit. I have seen more than a lifetimes worth this week alone. Corrosion generally will run rampant in the aircraft belly because typically this is where all things wet and grungy collect. Speaking of wet and grungy - who wants to hear a gross little fact about airplanes !?!?!?! (O.K. I knew you would)
.....So here goes;
We all know that an aircraft is a completely sealed cylindrical object that generally is used to haul hundreds of people in recycled air, around the globe for hours at a time, right?. As we also know people are, shall we say, self-lubricating body fluid excreting sweaty skin blobs.... So what happens to all the sneezes, bad breath, and dry skin flakes that are expelled from each and every person in that aircraft?....
Well, you see, here's the thing - it actually makes a film on the inside walls of the cabin and slides down ever so slippery to under the belly baggage pit where it sits sloshing around slowly rotting out the structure. Then that's where I come in like the hero I am and grind, cut and replace all that snot-induced rot, so that you can have your safe hot-breathy-aired flight over the Atlantic.

....Yes, you are welcome. Posted by Hello


Sunday, May 29, 2005

Overtime Fun and Games......

OOOOOH Look!!!! "The Big Yellow Taxi" is back home for Maintenance after a long hard season of taking Eastern Canadians to Cuba for the winter season..... Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Saturday Night Fever Pitch

Fuck...This "weekend" is going to be non-existent. All week I have been working 10 hour shifts and Saturday and Sunday are no exception...(Emergency overhaul repairs = unlimited overtime....... Unlimited overtime = $$$$$$$$!!!!)
When the planes gotta go the plane has got to go. (Down time in the aviation industry = thousands of dollars an hour.)

Gerty and I (pictured here) have some hardcore Saturday night corrosion grinding in the Forward baggage pit to look forward to.
Wish us luck. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

The L Word - Season 2 in Review......

 Posted by Hello

The L word - Episode 213 - "Lacuna"

Well... That was it, Season 2 came to an end with lesbo-licious birthing extravaganza. Bette and Tina finally had their Marcus Allenwood sperm spawn - A bouncing baby girl named Anjelica. Hooray!
More Episode climax excitement as Carmen and Shane finally "Made Love" and Jenny cut up her legs with razor blades after yet another muff-tastic stripathon and circus montage. She finally admits she needs Help. Hooray!
Meanwhile Alice is crazy jealous and with good reason as Dana flirts shamelessly with Lara at Melvin's Wake... Uh oh....
Unfortunately we got yet another "Betty" overload with a super-monotone guest appearance by Gloria Steinem (who happened to be friends with Bette and Kits Homophobe father...huh?)This resulted in an absolutely lame exchange about lesbians and feminism which made me cringe for our L word Ladies in embarrassment. The only remotely interesting part was the concert featuring The great Canadian singer Kinnie Starr and the 70's Rockers, Heart.

If you thought any of the countless loose ends would be tied up in the season finale, you would be sadly mistaken, and like myself, left feeling a little discombobulated about where the series could possibly be headed in the year ahead. (Just as I had reported earlier, Jennifer Beals who plays Bette, is Pregnant in real life and it makes you wonder whether that will be written into a storyline. She is now without a job after all....)
All I hope for in Season 3 is no more Betty, less under developed "special guests" and the obvious product placement overload..... There was far too much cheese in these episodes.

So, Anyhoo, - if you also agree season 2 was less than stellar, You must read this straight-shootin' "Open Letter to Ilene Chaiken" from Hothouse... or better yet, a perfect idea for season 3 from Claudia @ Get The F Out........

Nevertheless, despite the pain, I am addicted and will forever remain a diehard til the bitter end.... a mere 9 months til season 3 premieres.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ok, so I've finally had this silly chain-quiz-thing imposed on me by good ol' April @ Pissoff. I will be a good sport and thrill you all with my shocking answers to what I could possibly want to be if I had the choice of the following vocations.
- The rule is I must pick 5, add my own contributions, and invite some other poor saps to give it a try...
well, as far as I'm concerned, everyone (that has a blog), that I would actually give 2 shits about their answers has already had a go, so I will take it upon myself to fuck up the chain and just invite any "connielingus" readers to just leave their choices via my comments. Ok? OK! sounds like fun right!

So here's the List:

If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama-rider...
If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be a service member...
If I could be a business owner...
If I could be an actor...
If I could be an agent
If I could be video game designer...
If I could be a comic book artist...
If I could be a hooker...
If I could be a crack addict....
If I could be a porn star....
If I could be a mime....
If I could be a domestic engineer...
If I could be a chimney sweep....
If I could be a masseuse...
If I could be a taxi driver....
If I could be a priest...
If I could be a fighter pilot...
If I could be a homeless person...
If I could be a biker...
If I could be a mortician...
If I could be a horror film killer...
If I could be a movie writer...
If I could be a muppet...
If I could be a fast food product...
If I could be a piece of office equipment...
If I could be a head of state...
If I could be a member of a boy band...
If I could be a Wednesday...
If I could be a list...
If I could be an item of clothing..
If I could be a figment of someones imagination...
If I could be a carpenter...
If I could be a layman...
If I could be a piece of candy...
If I could be a beach...
If I could be a master....

And here is my selections:
If I could be a piece of office equipment... I'd be a Photocopier - someone at sometime will eventually photocopy their breasts, I'm sure of it...

If I could be a fighter pilot... I would pee on the floor and laugh that some poor airplane fixer would be eventually grinding my urine corrosion.

If I could be a master... Well, I'd be a Master Baiter... A chronic one....

If I could be a muppet... I'd Be Bert from Sesame Street... because BERT IS EVIL!

If I could be an item of clothing... Hmmm...Tough choice...It'd be a toss-up between Angelina Jolie's Bra or Natalie Portman's knickers.

Alright then, there you are. My additions will be:

If I could be a Stiff Drink.....
If I could be a member of the Royal Family......
If I could be a one-hit-wonder....

- Go fOr It Blogstars! Live on the Wild side... post anonymous! -

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Hoodoo You Think You Are!?

On Sunday we Went for a hike down to some Hoodoos....
Hoodoos are fun.

So, What in Hell's Creation is a Hoodoo you ask?
....Well, "A hoodoo is a rock formation which is caused by differential resistance to erosion. This means that some parts of the hoodoo are harder than others and these hard parts last longer. In the hoodoos above, the tops are the hardest part and they protect the soft rock below from wearing away".

- You learn something new everyday now don't you. Posted by Hello

Hoodoo you love? Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I Smell Like Fire and Musty Tent

Well Hello there my Bloggy-eyed little friends, I am finally Home!
I know, I know - you must have missed me terribly.

I just got back from my not-so-naughty mountain camping adventure....
Alas, by no choice of my own, it did end up being a very close-knit family affair.
Unfortunately for my unfettered girly-hard-on, the campsites were small, the tents were a-plenty and it is difficult to pull off a dirty weekend with a piece of thin - yet - amazingly - waterproof bit of fabric separating you from a campsite full of my ol'ladies nearest kin,
- Whom, I might add, also found themselves trapped in their own thinly veiled excuse for private quarters...
Grunt once about how difficult it is to apply your bra and pull up your pants in a 3 foot high, 2 person tent and the whole campsite can share your woe. -

I did, however manage a burst blood vessel in my brain attempting to quietly explode the 5 week pressure release that first night.... But other than that,

- My God, was the scenery stunning!-

These are official Connielingus photos from Banff National Park and Jasper National Park in the Glorious Canadian Rocky Mountains, May Long Weekend 2005.
Don't be too jealous of Canada Eh.... 

The National Park camping experience was overly-expensive and crowded, but ultimately this was where all the fun and games took place....

Well, that is, until the coppers showed off their uncanny "fun-ending" skills at 11 pm to put out all the campfires with buckets of water...
This we learned, was to slow down the infection of laughing and warmth to the mirthful camposium.
Bah Humbug. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

La La La La....... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

96 Hours of Bliss

Well, I'm off for the long weekend.....
Finally it has come! - Finally I will....see my lady-friend.
(Now that I'll have had my fix I promise I won't post any more of these sordid fridge magnet poems)
- See you Monday .... Gros Bisous!.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Creepy Blog Stuff.........

O.K. ... First, Go look at This...

Via Technorati I find There is a link to my blog on the "drt" part of that page.

What in hell is the point of that? The most I can figure out is that the vowels are missing from the words....
- So if that is true - I have no clue what the "fnnds" part is, but I did manage to get "more" out of "mr",
"shit" out of "sht",
"than" out of "thn"
and "that" out of "tht"...

fnnds more shit than that.

Ok then. Anyone have any ideas as to what in the flying fuck is going on?
- or even what the "fnnds" might stand for?

Jesus... I thought I had issues.

"Angry" is is the new "Grey"

Well, as I jump around the blog sites it is becoming clear that being "Angry" and "lashing out" is "in" this season. I tend to be an internalizer of my ragey type feelings and I figure maybe I should let some of it out, even if it is in a bit of a over-structured whiney-blog-post.
I suppose you have to start somewhere.......
(Why bother blogging if you don't have anything to bitch about right?....Plus I am about to get my period hah hah!)

Actually, The thing that got me thinking about all this is how it fucking drives me bonkers when people, usually the holier-than-thou types, use that utterly over-used, goddamn annoying saying - "GOD MADE ADAM AND EVE, NOT ADAM AND STEVE."
I think I saw that nerdy, bible-thumping anthem at least 3 times this week over at Cakesniffers as she was dealing with some gay-intolerant wankers. It is like salt in a festering wound to hear that stupid bloody saying, and I absolutely abhor it when it is said with a slight sneer and arrogance like they were the first person EVER to say it...Well you know what? .....Go fuck your hat.

Secondly, while we are on things that piss me off this week, I cannot take it when people are too lazy to care, or to vote, when we have an election. We are more than lucky to live in a free part of the world that lets you have a choice over several groups and party's as to which you can elect.... We even have The Marijuana Party for god-sakes. Don't give me the bullshit line that you could care less about politics, because you will be the first prick whining when your welfare and social program gets cut or your union goes on strike for no good reason. Just pick someone that stands for what you believe in and vote for them.... Its that fucking easy and at least you had your say.

I also loathe when some strangers, well specifically this one pudgy little broad at my gym, talk to me when I am being quite obvious I'm not in the mood for the lame blah-blah chit-chat. I wanna drop kick this annoying woman because she decided to tell me a ten minute story about how she used to be 300 pounds but she's been a personal trainer for 11 years, still she has the fattest arse this side of Nantucket BUT she is adamant that she "does it her way" and THAT is effective..... So Apparently I should be listening to her because she knows all the proper ways to lift weights. AHHHHHH! Leave ME Alone and Shut your meat trap. !!!!!!!!!!!

- Last, but certainly not least... DO NOT Yank on my Hair. One cock-biter at my work decided it would be affectionate and cute to pull on my ponytail......
bad bad move there Mr. Old balls.... He had a hard time handling "THE WRATH OF CON!" after that asinine move.

OK.... much better, Thank-you.

Get your T-Shirt NOW! Support the cause!

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Excitements of my Life

This Boeing 727 aircraft was in the Hangar for exactly the last 6 weeks.... Complete and utter overhaul... She was a dirty, rotten old bird, but we patched her up and sent her back into the world ..... Posted by Hello

This is that same plane flying away to wild new frontiers in Alaska..... Good luck old duck...

- Airplane fixing is just so utterly Romantic sometimes. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 15, 2005


We had a hell of a rain storm here tonight.... I just happened to be fucking around with my camera at the time and these pics turned out kinda neat showing the progressively heavy downpour.

- Good thing too as its been so dry as of late, the Cherry and Plum trees in my garden will be happy for the water.  Posted by Hello

Beautiful British Columbia

I missed out on a lively discussion going on at Angry Chimp where it was mentioned how nice Canada and Canadians in general seem. It's refreshing to hear some positives from my English friends when all we seem to get lately is that Canadians are all terrorist supporting, beer-swillingly passive, queer-loving wimps.... (that coming from Jealous Americans mind you.)
I figured I would put my 2 cents in by posting a picture of Beautiful Canadian scenery with a nice Canadian girl in it.
(This is me at a Provincial Park and Campground on Okanagan Lake, near where I live, this past March.)  Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

"Lady Love Amongst The Trees"

I wrote this seductively charming fridge magnet poetry for my Girlfriend whom I have not seen in nearly 5 weeks now....
But thank god! Next weekend we will be meeting up to camp in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains.... Its so close I can almost taste it.....  Posted by Hello

This is my ol' buddy Cam-bone.
He will be doing the set design for a zombie movie being filmed in the Okanagan area this summer. He enjoys raising lizard type things and when not at his residence in Vancouver his home is a Boler trailer parked in various friends and families back alleys and driveways. He's a good boy and will only bother you for some lizard lettuce and a shower. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 13, 2005

Oh My! Tit's a Lovely Day!

Hmmmm.... I just realized while browsing my infinite collection of personal photo's, that I have quite the assortment of my various friends cleavage shots. I suppose this means I am more of a breast woman rather than an ass lady....
So, I realize this is completely asinine and childish of me, but lets have a friendly vote..... Whose knockers knock you out? Whose globes rock the globe!? Who could possibly be the Best of the Breast??????  Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Weird Blog Stuff.

Ok...something kind of peculiar happened today.
As per usual, I was obsessively checking my Stat Counter page to see who and where my prized blog traffic was coming from and it turned out that I received an abnormal amount of "Google" Referred Visitors that used "Lesbian Blog" as the Search word.
Now, I obviously agree that's not necessarily a strange reason to be coming to visit Connielingus, - it was just that today is the first time that anyone has searched Google for "lesbian blog" and ended up at my bloggin' portal.
The weird thing was it was not just 1 person, but 7, from all over the place....United Kingdom, France, Colorado, Ohio, New York, Spain, and Maryland all at different times of the day.... I mean I rarely get any Google based visitors as it is, and I am wondering why the hell today, of all days, I would get 7 people all searching the same very basic all encompassing phrase then point and click on mine....
I am utterly perplexed.... utterly..... perplexed.

*UPDATE* Friday May 13th.... so it seems that because of my post for my nomination for Best Lesbian Blog @ Blogs By Women, I am right up near the top of Google's list of "Lesbian Blog"....
- so welcome to everyone who is here to see a lesbian blog... enjoy my lesbian-ness in a blog form.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Keep your chin up Alice... Dana can't kick you to the curb just yet....
There will be drama - Much more drama till then!  Posted by Hello

The L word - Episode 212 "L'Chaim"

As much as I will go thru a mild withdrawal after next weeks season finale, I will in some ways be glad to see this difficult season come to some sort of a conclusion. Every character, it seems, has been up and down more times than an elevator.... Just as things seem to be looking up.... Oops! fucked again.
Episode 212 turned out to be the most "difficult" to date.
So in order not to drive you completely mental - I, in a brief statement, will attempt to convey just what the hell was going on in each characters pretty little head this week:

Jenny : Lets start with Jenny cause she is once again utterly out to lunch. She attempted a mufftastic strip-tease at a scummy man-bar. She invited all her lesbian buddies. I am guessing it was for some sort of power over men redemption. It might have been acceptable if she hadn't seemed like she needed the funny farm to swoop in and pick her up in every scene beforehand.
Hey guess what!?, Jenny moped her way through this entire episode to show you she is forlorn and feeling fucked up.
- How nice, cause I wasn't quite sure.....

Alice : Easily my favorite character most days, Alice has a penchant for being the amusing, easily likeable one. Well somehow the RELATION-SHIT going on with Dana is making her an insecure little whimply girl. It is so not attractive... But I do have a wee bit of sympathy.... seems I've been there before, at 16 years old mind you, but I do sorta understand being afraid to lose.
- Alice darling, get some girly balls - Paranoia will destroy ya!

Dana : Dana goes on a "date" with her ex, Lara Perkins (the infamous "soup" chef from season 1). God! I forgot how cute Lara was....And judging by the drool and shit eating grin from Dana when they reunited at The Planet I think she might have forgotten too. Dana, it seems, is on the long and winding road to self-discovery....
- If thats so Dana, figure out where the hell you need to go, and make it soon.... There is a lot of beautiful scenery along the way.....

Shane: Our hot, studly Shane has gone soft. Meh.
She didn't even dirty dance with Peaches. Meh.
- Oh Shane, Carmen didn't actually break you did she????????

Tina : For the love of God! Is it necessary that I am required to see your absolutely enormous pregnant bare belly every single episode? I don't know about you, but huge pregnant bellies are freakish and alien-like, not wonderful and beautiful like some might think.
- Your only redemption Tina, is that at least you are letting Poor ol' Bette snuggle that Mammoth baby-bag before it finally pops.... Go on - You love her. We know you do.

Bette : Bette may have received the final straw that breaks the pushy alpha-female's back.... Shit has just gone pear-shaped.
- Oh poor ol' Bette.... If Tina doesn't want to kiss and cuddle you back to health and happiness I will be more than willing to take a "leave of absence" to help you out.
Things have got to turn around soon right?


What a trashy whore! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Fukitol Indeed.

It has been one of those days.... I have downed a Fukitol with a glass of wine and I am in no shape for blog shit tonight. Thanks for coming out.....  Posted by Hello