Saturday, May 14, 2005
Previous Posts
- This is my ol' buddy Cam-bone. He will be doing t...
- Oh My! Tit's a Lovely Day!
- Weird Blog Stuff.
- Keep your chin up Alice... Dana can't kick you to ...
- The L word - Episode 212 "L'Chaim"
- Fukitol Indeed.
- Virgin Mary Concrete Piss Stain Defaced!!!!
- My Mum's Better Than Yours

Awww, bet you're counting the seconds. Hope you have a wonderful time.
You horny old girl you.... I bet that just swept her off her feet.
5 weeks is a long time. My nemisis, Scott, used to go away for almost 6 months at a time (we'd see each other the odd weekend). Talk about a stress on the relationship.
I hope the weather clears up. It's turned a bit wet this weekend for us.
I am a bit of a romantic aren't I... (It's good thing that Jenn, my GF has the same fucked up sense of humour I do.)
and Yes, The weather is a bit of a concern. Seeing as we are in the mountains I'm hoping it won't be freezing over night. I hate being too cold ... I won't be a happy camper (hah!)
Thing is, you can never tell with May Long weekend... sometimes I've been camping and its been sunny and the high 20's and another time it had actually snowed (we went home early that time).
Bebe,my lil' heart just skipped a beat or two.... Oh wait that's just the 20 cups of coffee kickin' in. I can't wait to hump your sweet lil' **** opps sorry guys, i forgot this isn't that kind of a web site! I'm French though so it's expected. isn't it?
oh, hello love... look at you posting an anonymous comment on my blog!
ha ha... you want to hump my asterix....
Good times!
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