Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Previous Posts
- Fukitol Indeed.
- Virgin Mary Concrete Piss Stain Defaced!!!!
- My Mum's Better Than Yours
- *New Music This Week*
- Well There Goes Your Figure....
- Lesbian Pin-Up Of the Week!!!!
- After a Long Battle, Tony Crawls Back Into Bed Wit...
- Trust Your Aircraft Needs To The Professionals!
- Jenny and Shane share a comforting snuggle, amidst...

LMAo - I am so thick sometimes. It took me a couple of takes at that picture to realize it was a rubbish bin. I thought it was a sticker over her butt. Just shoot me.
lol! It's okay, you've had a stressful week.
Oh yeah, by the way april, I have been having troble logging in on MSN passport or whatever the hell its called at your site so I haven't been able to leave you comments lately. I dunno what changed, but I will have to spend some time figuring that out this weekend.
Anyways, I'm still a faithful reader... (That ghost entry freaked the shit outta me.)
I don't understand this "logging" in bit. Do you have to go through some login process to read blogs on MSN? You're the second person that has said that and Je ne comprend pas (is that right?).
I can read your blog no problem, its when i want to leave a comment it asks me to sign in to MSN similar to signing in to messenger or hotmail etc. I've never had a problem until this past week. I used an old existing name and password, and then all of a sudden i was denied access. I dunno!?!?!
I was just over at your site, and I agree with Herge, you should switch over to Blogger. Much easier to use and the layouts are a bit nicer I think. None of this "logging in" bullshit to leave a comment either. Microsoft do have a bit of a control complex.... maybe somehow they figured out I use Firefox instead of Explorer and they denied me access to all things Microsoft as a punishment. ....hmmmmm, anyone up for a conspiracy theory?
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