Oh My! Tit's a Lovely Day!

Hmmmm.... I just realized while browsing my infinite collection of personal photo's, that I have quite the assortment of my various friends cleavage shots. I suppose this means I am more of a breast woman rather than an ass lady....
So, I realize this is completely asinine and childish of me, but lets have a friendly vote..... Whose knockers knock you out? Whose globes rock the globe!? Who could possibly be the Best of the Breast??????

I vote for the top left. The pale pink top.
I would have to say the hawaiian top in the center.
top right's got my vote
Yep, top right, although middle left looks very nice too.
Connie, this is an excellent opportunity to create a 'game' element to the blog.
'Top knockers Knock Out' or something similar.
All us bloggers vote each day/week for our fav tit pic until we get down to the final two (or four if you get my meaning) and then we can have an exciting final for the Connielingus boobs of the year.
Or something.
Do all these breasts belong to lesbians? If so then i am definately hanging with the wrong team.
p.s. I'm going with middle left.
top right are nice. Dead centre are quite nice too.
hmmmm, yes your idea is quite enticing Herge.
Actually, there are only 2 pairs of Lesbian breasts in this collage. Turns out I also must have a penchant for straight girl knockers. The things you learn about yourself sometimes......
Connie - we should try and guess the lesbian breasts!!!
I guess hmm....bottom left and top right.
Hey, we all have a thing for straight girl knockers.
Actually, I have a thing for any girl knockers actually.
Not that I'm subjegating women to merely a pair of breasts.
Oh no, I'm sure they are all fully rounded individuals in their own right. Just with fab breasts.
My gaydar says that the librarians are bottom left and top right.
Not that I'm interested in another woman's breasts or anything. Not unless I'm REALLY forced to be interested by finding myself in an uncompromising position with them. Or is it compromising? Oh fuck, I'm all flustered because of that purt, milky white flesh.
Well, Well, I am very impressed with both Tina AND Herge's Gaydar's! Way to go! You have successfully picked the lovely purt, milky white Lesbian Breasts!
And the Prize ???????
-You both win the chance to be in a compromising position with them!....
Nice one, Connie!
Yes Tim.... 100% pure Canadian. Not a silicone tit in the bunch either.
Well it seems like TOP RIGHT Is the Knocker Knock-out Champion.
They are very bulbous aren't they? Knockeriffic!
When do I get this compromising position?
Hey I'm not doing to bad with Lesbians at the mo, in fact my mates have just told me that I'm top of their sperm donation list for when they want to have a kid.
Quite the honour.
Well isn't that something Herge... Yes quite the honour indeed.
Boobs and sperm donations? am I in the right place or am I a bloody forigner ?
Bottom extreme right corner is mine.
Bottom right for me too. Text book examples.
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