
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Weird Blog Stuff.

Ok...something kind of peculiar happened today.
As per usual, I was obsessively checking my Stat Counter page to see who and where my prized blog traffic was coming from and it turned out that I received an abnormal amount of "Google" Referred Visitors that used "Lesbian Blog" as the Search word.
Now, I obviously agree that's not necessarily a strange reason to be coming to visit Connielingus, - it was just that today is the first time that anyone has searched Google for "lesbian blog" and ended up at my bloggin' portal.
The weird thing was it was not just 1 person, but 7, from all over the place....United Kingdom, France, Colorado, Ohio, New York, Spain, and Maryland all at different times of the day.... I mean I rarely get any Google based visitors as it is, and I am wondering why the hell today, of all days, I would get 7 people all searching the same very basic all encompassing phrase then point and click on mine....
I am utterly perplexed.... utterly..... perplexed.

*UPDATE* Friday May 13th.... so it seems that because of my post for my nomination for Best Lesbian Blog @ Blogs By Women, I am right up near the top of Google's list of "Lesbian Blog"....
- so welcome to everyone who is here to see a lesbian blog... enjoy my lesbian-ness in a blog form.


At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did the vote for Best Lesbian Blog go anyway?

At 12:12 AM, Blogger Connie said...

I recieved a respectable 3rd place. I was tied for second until the last little bit but CYDY blog beat me out. The overall winner was the Creampuff chick.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah, how did it go away?


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