
We had a hell of a rain storm here tonight.... I just happened to be fucking around with my camera at the time and these pics turned out kinda neat showing the progressively heavy downpour.
- Good thing too as its been so dry as of late, the Cherry and Plum trees in my garden will be happy for the water.

Wow, it looks really lovely where you are.
How hard is it to emigrate to Canada?
tell the canadian officials that you are coming into canada to become a stripper - you should be given full canadian status - no paper work required :)
enid - i'm heading to salmon arm for may 26 - will you be around - how far is it from salmon arm to your neck of the woods?
Herge, I'm not sure any more... I suppose it just takes money. I think if you have something to "contribute" to the country it may be easier. I know in the early 70's my Mum came over from England because they were begging for her here, as she was a Physiotherapist.... It seemed fairly simple back then. Now there is much more demand to live here.
Well Hello there Ape... How are things up north?
I will in fact be here on the 26th, but will be on night shift so I'm only available until 2pm. (It is under an hour from Salmon Arm by the way) Hopefully we can hook up for lunch or something... Are you only here for one day?
Was that "stripper" comment about some sorta fraud story from a immigration worker falsifying paperwork to bring his stripper GF to Canada? I seem to recall something like that happening not to long ago....
It reckon it's got to be dead easy to emigrate to Canada. We've had two helicopter pilots work for us - one from NZ and one from France - and they had no problem getting in. They were total twats too, if you ask me, especially the one from NZ. The guy from Paris only got his helicopter license after moving here. In the winter he drives taxi. Then again, I think his grandfather may have left him money so Connie would be right. A bit of dosh to infuse into the economy and viola, you're a Canadian Citizen. Either that or marry someone.
And, BTW, alot of people call me Ape so every time I see your friend there I'm thinking "who's commenting using my name?"
i'm actually in salmon arm until the 29th - i'm driving down on the 26th and have workshops all day friday and saturday but can try and swing something
april - your comment that you are called ape is very hiliarious to me - because i'm an april as well and have never heard of another april getting called ape... how utterly odd! and yet, very very interesting... when did you start getting called ape - why?
the stripper thing - well that was out of our immigration office - our minister judy srgo authorized entry of a romania stripper who volunteered on her re-election campaign - the initial discussion also included that canada had a shortage of strippers and that this person was filling the void.... if you are serious about becoming a canadian - or simplying coming for a long visit - check out http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/index.html - all information on immigration and citizenship is there
I've been Ape for years. They started calling me that in grade school back in the 70s - oh lord I'm feeling old. I think people are generally lazy and if they can shorten something they will. April - Ape.....I don't get called that much any more but the odd time I still do,
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Whoa....what happened there?
I dunno April....looks like you got stuck on repeat!
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