Beautiful British Columbia

I missed out on a lively discussion going on at Angry Chimp where it was mentioned how nice Canada and Canadians in general seem. It's refreshing to hear some positives from my English friends when all we seem to get lately is that Canadians are all terrorist supporting, beer-swillingly passive, queer-loving wimps.... (that coming from Jealous Americans mind you.)
I figured I would put my 2 cents in by posting a picture of Beautiful Canadian scenery with a nice Canadian girl in it.
(This is me at a Provincial Park and Campground on Okanagan Lake, near where I live, this past March.)

Beautiful British Columbia is right.... We're pretty lucky.
Still, we have nice bits over here too. I'm just over an hour away from the Lake District and Snowdonia.
Dead jealous though.
Those "jealous americans" are retards. I've been to canada quite a few times and never found anything to complain about.
I think everyone should come have a visit here. I grew up in Vancouver and I think it is a natural wonderland as well as a multicultural hub. It's still a young hippy metropolis, but I believe it will grow up to keep its enviromental and natural outdoorsy ideals.
I agree we are very "Americanized" in regards to pop culture etc. but I think we have a more open and wordly outlook about political and humanitarian issues rather than an "US AGAINST THE WORLD" attitude that has given the States their reputation.
We are By Far, NOT a military superforce, nor a political juggernaut... we are the people who give asylum to those who are running away from that... There is a great deal of pride about freedoms here in Canada.... that, and hockey.
Actually, in North America, you really wonder which country is the land of the free and home of the brave. It ain't the States.
Well Canada Loves you all!
That's a great picture btw.
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