
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

"Angry" is is the new "Grey"

Well, as I jump around the blog sites it is becoming clear that being "Angry" and "lashing out" is "in" this season. I tend to be an internalizer of my ragey type feelings and I figure maybe I should let some of it out, even if it is in a bit of a over-structured whiney-blog-post.
I suppose you have to start somewhere.......
(Why bother blogging if you don't have anything to bitch about right?....Plus I am about to get my period hah hah!)

Actually, The thing that got me thinking about all this is how it fucking drives me bonkers when people, usually the holier-than-thou types, use that utterly over-used, goddamn annoying saying - "GOD MADE ADAM AND EVE, NOT ADAM AND STEVE."
I think I saw that nerdy, bible-thumping anthem at least 3 times this week over at Cakesniffers as she was dealing with some gay-intolerant wankers. It is like salt in a festering wound to hear that stupid bloody saying, and I absolutely abhor it when it is said with a slight sneer and arrogance like they were the first person EVER to say it...Well you know what? .....Go fuck your hat.

Secondly, while we are on things that piss me off this week, I cannot take it when people are too lazy to care, or to vote, when we have an election. We are more than lucky to live in a free part of the world that lets you have a choice over several groups and party's as to which you can elect.... We even have The Marijuana Party for god-sakes. Don't give me the bullshit line that you could care less about politics, because you will be the first prick whining when your welfare and social program gets cut or your union goes on strike for no good reason. Just pick someone that stands for what you believe in and vote for them.... Its that fucking easy and at least you had your say.

I also loathe when some strangers, well specifically this one pudgy little broad at my gym, talk to me when I am being quite obvious I'm not in the mood for the lame blah-blah chit-chat. I wanna drop kick this annoying woman because she decided to tell me a ten minute story about how she used to be 300 pounds but she's been a personal trainer for 11 years, still she has the fattest arse this side of Nantucket BUT she is adamant that she "does it her way" and THAT is effective..... So Apparently I should be listening to her because she knows all the proper ways to lift weights. AHHHHHH! Leave ME Alone and Shut your meat trap. !!!!!!!!!!!

- Last, but certainly not least... DO NOT Yank on my Hair. One cock-biter at my work decided it would be affectionate and cute to pull on my ponytail......
bad bad move there Mr. Old balls.... He had a hard time handling "THE WRATH OF CON!" after that asinine move.

OK.... much better, Thank-you.

Get your T-Shirt NOW! Support the cause!


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Sniffy said...

I think every gay person on the planet should get one of those t-shirts, customise it and wear with pride!

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Yes!.... that would take the wind out their little gay-bashing sails wouldn't it?!.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Herge Smith said...

That 'adam and steve' t-shirt should really read;

"NO! to gents in top hats!"


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