
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Airplanes and Corrosion It Is.......

Well, what can I say....

I have some great "fans" of Connielingus who, in the last week, have sent me emails and left comments to say that they actually really liked my blog and it's Aircraft genre... - They hoped That I wouldn't quit.

Well, I honestly never thought Corrosion would be such a hit!

I mean, when I see a blow-out of epic proportions I secretly get a bit of a Girly hard-on, but to think there are others just like me out there in this strange and beautiful world....
I am sorry I was on the verge of giving up on you.

Well, I honestly haven't been around too much Corrosion lately.... I have been involved in a new project which involves installing winglets on 757's.

----> It's actually quite the process... The fwd and aft spars get cut at the tip, the top and bottom wing skins get removed 10 ft at the end of the wing followed by various stiffners and stringers that are installed inside the fuel cell/wing all the way back to the engine nacelle.
Finally after all the beef ups the Winglet is installed to the wingtip, making for a sexy, stylish fuel saving add-on.

Get This....
Because the Winglets smooth out the turbulent air movement at the end of the wings during flight, over time you can save up to 5% in fuel consumption... When you are talking thousands of pounds of fuel each flight - that's a shit load of money.

At approx. a million dollars for the install, rumour has it that Winglets pay for themselves in just 2 years....

----->Do you guys want to see a SWEET Video Clip?????

Click HERE to watch a Flyby by the "Land of Ice" Airlines 757 on it's test flight after our last install 2 weeks ago. Watch for the Sticky-up parts on the end of the wing!

I did that!


At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ack! I got "the document contains no data"


At 10:23 PM, Blogger the author said...

cool - saving the airlines millions.... does that mean you get a raise?

and yes, you should buy a lotto ticket

time to feed the baby - glad to see you back on here - i quite enjoy the airplane info

At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im a fan of the corrosion stuff too actually, you and Aviatrix have got me hooked on girls with big planes!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Connie said...

well thanks very much j-ster ;)
girls with big planes are quite enticing aren't they.

Ok, well that settles it then...

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Aviatrix said...

Winglets are very very sexy. I guess I should have known that they weren't just popped onto the end one afternoon, with some bondo and a bit of speedtape.


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