Stumbling Podcasting Whores Unite!
I've been kinda branching off into the brave world of internet exploration lately.....
Maybe it's just the time of year, or maybe it's just the time of man.
---- I've been so blog-oriented for the last however many months I guess I just got briefly bored with the whole "this is me doing my me-things over here in my me-world and here is a sweet picture that will give you insight into my little bit o' me-chaos"
I even got bored with corrosion.
I have a stockpile of rotted out ol' aeroplane bits in my toolbox waiting for a connielingus showcase.
I am not even joking about that.... I have a small group of "fans" at my work who actually give me corrosion specimens in the hope I might "blog" about them.
I have been falling behind.
So I got quite addicted to the Firefox Extension "StumbleUpon".
Yeah, that's right I am a stumbler.
You get a button, much like the Blogger "Next Blog", that says "Stumble!" and you are instantly and randomly transported to a "favorite" and "recommended" website or blog in the genre from your own predetermined personal list of interests. Some are so-so and some are wonderful... Then you can judge them if you please.
---------> Jenn and I stumbled hardcore for about 3 hours this morning.
It just really drives home the fact that the World Wide Web is REALLY TEEMING of fucked-uply interesting tidbits of fabulously artistic nonsense like Fly Guy or heartwarmingly twisted little animated movies like Karma Ghost.
These things make me happy.
I'm a simple girl in a complicated world.
Don't get me started on the sick fetish of podcast collecting.....
Jaysus! when did I turn into such a fucking computer nerd?........
I'm a hardcore tradeswoman!
My tools are rivet guns and hammers in my hand not some frivolous downloadable extension pack.....
Don't you think the pilot in the "Build me a Plane" poster has doughy features? Shape his eyebrows a bit more and he looks like my mom. Why wouldn't they use the stereotypical chiselled featured male for that poster? If you're supposed to want to build the guy a plane, shouldn't he at least be hot?
Someone with photoshop skills needs to create a poster showing someone Connie would like to build a plane for.
I think you've just posted the quintessential blog entry
My tribute to my fave grrrrrly girl, in response to Avi's request.
Erm, my fave torque gun wielding grrrly grrrl, that is. Can't upset my Care Bears. Not that they'd follow me all the way into blog land, but... ya never know.
Ach, you have a wonderful life, girlfriend and job. Your blog's great fun for us lot when you have time. :)
quintessential eh Ed.... alright, I'll take it!
I believe Aas said it all there Aviatrix! LOL, your wish is aas's command....
Oh Owl, it's always lovely to see you ;)
Your latest meme about "weird habits" sounds alot like me... I had a good laugh.
xoxoxoxox connie
Aas here, good to see your blog still online. I've moved here now:
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