So 2004......
I was just thinking today about how my whole gaytastic lesboriffic lifestyle got so average.
- A blessing or a curse?-
Jenn and I were at a "friends from work" gathering last weekend and we actually just blended in with the other 30 something couplings of the het-er-oh variety.
Much to the shock and awe of my dear Jennifer - I was truly comfortable showing my girl on girl affection in public!
Stunning relation-shit revelations aside , I simply realized that maybe I'm not so "shocking" after all.
Tongue lashing lesbians aren't such the "party favor" they were a couple years ago.
Christ on a Crutch! We can actually marry....
Ellen D Gee is all mainstream now.
The L Word is on Showcase at 10 PM on a weeknight for godsakes.........
Lesbians are SO 2004.
Connie, I don't know whether you'd noticed, but those ladies don't appear to be wearing any clothes.
They're not wearing wigs?
Gee, I dunno Connie, I still think tongue lashing lesbians are a "party favor".
Does that make me a pervo?
No it makes you human Herge.
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