
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Top 10 Hottest Canadian Women..... (according to Connielingus)

Alright!.... over the next few days I will unveil the ultimate in "Hottest Canadian Women" from my own personal views and preference.

Just to be clear.....the "hot" factor for me is a combo of looks, brains, and skills.... it is by no means your average shallow self-indulgent listing.

Nothing But Substance and Dykish Charm Here at Connielingus......

So Here Goes...... The Fabulous Number 10 Canadian Woman is.....


Julie Doiron used to be in one of my most fave bands "Eric's Trip" when I was an impressionable young lass of 17.
I was in love with her low-fi grunge-pop voice long before I ever saw her face.... and when I finally did it became quite clear that this girlish love affair was meant to be.

She still makes beautiful and strange music in New Brunswick to this very day.


Every good Lesbo knows that Mia Kirshner plays the utterly annoying sexual-identity searching "Jenny Schecter" in the hit T.V. Show "The L Word".

- Annoying or not this luscious Toronto native has appearered in several indie films and knows how to tongue-lash a girl on screen....
and not just any girl mind you.... she got right to the point with "Marina" played by the ever so Euro-trash epitome of gorgeous Karina Lombard.......

"uuuuuuhhhhhh Marinaaaaa"
- A believable and passionate straight woman-woman kiss is considered great acting in my mind.....

.......Plus you really can't deny her sex appeal either.

tomorrow...... #8 and #7!


At 1:55 AM, Blogger Sniffy said...

Annoying is right about Mia's character, Jenny (FUCK! Just finished watching the first series, I had to wait 2 months to catch the last three episodes, but my, it was worth it). Jenny's teary-eyed and little girl lost appearance was endearing at the beginning, but grew tiresome eventually. Still, she's hot alright, with a touch of the Natalie Imbruglias about her too.

This is going to be an excellent series Connie, well done and thank you.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

Oh, and distressing news on The L Word for UK fans: it's not coming out on DVD in Region 2 until September 2006. I need a multiregion DVD player for Christmas.

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Hello Tina,
Just wait till you see season 2... you'll want Jenny to have some sort of tragic accident that stops her from having memories.

I wonder if i burn the episodes i have "downloaded legally" of season 2 on my computer to a CD if it would work for you????? I don't see why not.....
They are not bad quality to watch via Media player etc.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

DO IT! You've got my address somewhere. You know me and cultural exchanges. I'll send you a meat n tater pie in return.


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