The Apprentice....... part 1

Things at work have gotten quite interesting.......
I now have my own personal young apprentice boy by my side!...... He's 20 years old, 6 foot 5 inches and about 300 pounds. (I'll call him "Magnus" to protect the innocent and useless.)
Fucking kids these days are huge and mouthy and need a good kick in the arse.
and I believe I shall be the one to do it.
Now, not surprisingly, I've found it all somewhat empowering.
I have realized that after my harrowing 8.4 years of being one of the lowest on the proverbial "Tradesman Totempole" that now I am ready to have my own personal little whipping boy... and that it makes me quite happy... almost giddy to be honest.
Heh Heh
Seems I have a lot of female post-apprentice issues to work out on poor ol' Magnus......
Right away I have commanded him to say "Thank-you Mistress" after every instance that I bail him out of a near fuck-up, give him a helpful hint or tell him he's doing alright.
Being the gormless eager-beaver that he is, finds this quite exciting....
.....I am finding bossing young punks around quite invigorating!
Stay tuned for more stories from "THE APPRENTICE"
Is that him sitting on that wheel? - he looks about 7! Is that an example of a Canadian airliner?
Do you call him boy? Give him an apprentice name - like 'Wank spanner' - or, if you're feeling less generous - 'Fuckhead'.
Teenage boys are vile. All they think about is Star Wars/ Videogames/ Wanking - hold on, that sounds familiar...
OMG what if he sees you as some sort of dominatrix figure and goes home and wanke off while thinking about you? Then again, everybody else does, so who can blame him? Can I call you "mistress", please?
Has hee been sent to the stores for an air hook or a long weight yet?
Herge is right, he does look awfuly young.
Conn...... Are you pretending to be me again? It's great being the mistress isn't it? I'll tell you what you told me last time we talked
-go easy on the little gaffer. You could eat him alive
funny, he reminds me of Pissoff's slave.
What poor magnus lacks in brains he makes up for in.... well.. um. I guess he's just a big dummy, now it is your turn to repay all the anguish brought on from the years of being the "elfs" whipping girl. If you can unleash half of the agony imposed unto you on to him, then i do feel pitty for him. thankfully I have my own whipping boy .He is all of 155lbs and 6foot 1inch, to protect the nieve and pizza faced, I will call him C3PO as that is the extent of his character.
Tina! The Air Hook! Well, it was called the Sky Hook for me - I was sent for that when I was a young punk! LOL!
How do you know about the pleasures of the tradesman hazing ritual????
(The Long Weight... good one! I'll have to remember that......)
Erin Dahling ;) How was your trip?.... lol
K, oh "C3PO" is a sweet little apprentice too! we need to think up a little plan to "rook" all these little shits.....
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