
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Monday, October 03, 2005


I have just recently realized that I have quite a loyal following of my undeniably sparse Corrosion Shenanigans, and as my title suggests I really should be having some sort of corrosion every "week".
I am sorry I have misled you in the past.... but I promise to show you all of my notable findings, no matter how monotonous to me.....

I suppose I never really thought the sights of such dirty rotten parts would turn anyone on as much as me.
I started the CORROSION OF THE WEEK as sort of a joke.... But, like my Mama warned me, it seems the world really is a small place and it's true that the internet brings out ALL the freaks and geeks......

- So with no further ado, here, my beloved airplane nerds, is your *AIRPLANE CORROSION OF THE WEEK*!!!!!!

Today I have Showcased a blown-out fitting in the Main Landing Gear wheel well of a Boeing 727.

All that was visible to a trained eye after the area was cleaned of all the greasy muddy muck that sprays around being open to the elements during takeoff and landing, was a small puff of fine white dust at the corner of this fitting.

The decision was made to remove the part for a better look and VOILA! The corrosion was much worse than anticipated.
The part was "kicked to the airport curb" and a new one was ordered ASAP from at the usual insane price that is so high for one little measly part you would never believe it even if I told you.
Just think Hundreds.
Then think at least 6 hours labour to install....

Maybe THAT'S why it all is such an unexpected and unexplained turn on for me.... Big Ticket Damage Caused By Average Every Day Environmental Wear and Tear....

Makes you wonder how much of that is false inflation due to the "Rich Bitch Factor"
- you know, like the obvious difference in parts and labour costs between, say, a Pontiac and a Porsche.......


At 1:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You're a slave to your fans, thanks Connie. I did like the knicker piece too though, but then that doesn't really help me get out of the 'geek' label

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

"I suppose I never really thought the sights of such dirty rotten parts would turn anyone on as much as me."

You're right, the corrosion doesn't turn us on as much as you do, but it's still interesting. I still can't believe I actually went up in not one, but FOUR of those things. Landing gear eh? That's encouraging.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

Alright, why is landing gear not the same as take off gear? Who changes it on the way?

At 7:33 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

yes, once a week would be grand for these, very interesting, not sure i'll want to fly again, but you get my point.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Aviatrix said...

This is the sort of hidden damage I fear when I peer at fairings and greasy components. Thanks for confirming I'm not just paranoid.

Some context would be good for this part. How big is it, exactly? Where does it go? Can you show us an exploded view of the landing gear assembly so we can see it in situ?


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