
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Now That's Steeped.......


At 12:32 AM, Blogger Sniffy said...

I've just spent five minutes looking at that blasted toad. I must now surrender to your will, do with me what you wish.

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

THat's freaky! I mean, at first glance, it doens't appear to be moving, but after a while, you stare long enough, the whole blasted thing is pulsating.....too cool

At 12:26 PM, Blogger S.I.D. said...

Hi Connie:) Love the toad. Toads like that can cause epileptic seizures. Can you get it to flash faster?

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not me. I Hate the toad. You shouldn't generalize Connie.
Knock me!

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Connie said...

lol! KNOCK ME!

That toad sucks the very life from my soul... at this point i wouldn't mind a little seizure action.

I hate the toad, but i love what he stands for.

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Oh T.... whatever i ask?????

At 11:56 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...


At 5:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

quick, connie, ask her to fly on a plane to canada. or philadelphia, that's close enough.

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Sniffy said...

I'll do philadelphia too if you like Aas. I'm all for cultural exchanges, all sorts of exchanges actually. I have plenty of credit cards to get me just about anywhere (don't know about getting back though).

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I recognize that toad.... Futurama, right? anyway.. I was amused.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd fly on a plane for ME!? Awwwww. :)

--Aas (blogger's being bitchy again)

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

Oh yeah, I'd fly on a big old scary plane for you Aas.


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