Things Can Only Get Better.......
It's been a good day....
- George Bush actually admitted that He and the U.S. Government were ultimately to blame for shitting the bed down south with ol' hurricane Kat...
(WTF Dubya? Seems there was no possible way to blame it on the Al-Queda this time.....)

- Gas went DOWN 4 cents a litre this bright and shiny morn......

- In a mere 2 days I've been in a healthy, satisfying relationship that is equal parts friendship, love and sex for 1 whole year.
It is still in the undeniable stages of perfection...... I'll try not to jinx it.

- Today I bought the new David Gray album - Life In Slow Motion

You know even if ol' Dave is the Original (and much better) predecessor of the overblown "Coldplayesque Dinner Party Music genre" I still will always retain a certain sweet spot for his lyrical mastery.
There always seems to be one song that hits me right where it hurts and makes me so happily forlorn and reflective.
This album easily has 3.
A perfect compilation... A lot like his older stuff....with more to it..
Go Buy it.
Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. :) Good times you've had together is always something to celebrate!
Thanks Karen ;)
Glad to hear you are feeling better....
Also, who is David Gray? Never 'eard of him! But, if it's like ColdPlay, will need to check out, any songs I might know of then?
congrats on your 1 year anniversary....i think 1 year in a lesbian relationship equals like 7 doesn't it?...well in my experience. Anyway...been reading you for a bit and just wanted to say hi and congrats!
What was your's and Jen previous longest relationship stint?
Mine was a whacking 7 years! Yowsa!
Yes, many congratulations Connie and Jenn. You're a beautiful couple and it's so nice to see people happy together. Long may it continue.
Will there be a celebration? Can I come? he he
Hi Guys, thanks very much!
Hello Lesbian Geek Jen ;) Nice to meet you....
7 years is a long time Herge.... was it the dreaded 7 year itch?
Jenn and I both have the 3 year blues when it comes to relationships.....Both of us have been in two 3 year stints. It seems 3 years and everything goes to shit (in hindsight now I can see it went to shit long before that though!).
We are currently on the "3 year plan"..... lol... after 3 years then we will reassess where we are, and where we are headed with the commitment type things. I've been through far to many "divorces" to lose everything again.
Erin dahling... there will be somewhat of a celebration on Saturday... Jenn and I will be attending the same quaint greek restaurant of our extremley succesful blind date. We will be staring longingly into each others eyes and feeding each other small morsels of overly garlicy lamb, chicken or beef... reliving the events of that life changing evening/next day one year before..... ahhhhhhhh.... you are welcome to join us in this pathetic love-in.......
or maybe we will just meet you for drinks after?????? ;)
congrats connie and jen! wow a year... great news :) Enjoy your romantic greek evening... I'm now closing in on the end of 7 years with my husband... as crazy as that sounds writing it down... I'm quite proud of it though - married for three - together for seven - eight after our second baby should be here...
oh - I tried what jen suggested with failure... great! everyone should try it - that was definitely worth my thirty seconds
that was pretty funny... the google "failure" bit.
I can't believe you have been in a relationship for 7 years Ape! Holy crap.
Congrats to you!.......
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