The "I Hate Rush!" Gang Gets One Member Stronger

Back in April I had a Rush Overload. The Godforsaken gAWdAWful 1970/1980ish Prog-Rock Band Rush had finally taken it's screechy toll on this self-proclaimed music guru.
It's no secret I enjoy a lot of music....
....All different kinds really....
A little over 3200 songs just on this one small home computer alone -> AND NOT FUCKING ONE IS BY RUSH.
**** Anyhoo , the reason I was brought sharply and gloriously back into my Geddy Lee "Hate On" was that the fabulous Kitty Juggs reports that she too has a healthy loathing of all things Proggy Rawk and was kind enough to link to my shameless rant of a blog post. (I am the first "here" in the "here, here, and here.")
I'm always proud to whore out any blog that wants to hate Rush openly....
We should make a gang.
yeah, I don't know anything about them, never heard their music whatsoever I don't think
If you live in Canada I'm almost CERTAIN you have heard their music at one thime or another.....
I hate Rush--but I hate all filthy hippie music! Can I be part of your gang?
Uh.... No.
I have been a fan of rush for like 20 years, and for awhile I didn't like them. That's because alot of the stuff they did in the 80s was crap. But if you listen to the stuff they did like Anthem or Caress of Steel, stuff from the mid-late 70's, its truly unique rock.
yeah i suppose guyman... unique is right.... i will respect your musicguruness.
I don't mind the musical part... it is mostly the lyrics and geddy lee's voice that makes me wince.
xoxoxox con
Geddy Lee. As wanky as wanky wankers come.
This is a joke right? I came across this crap looking for Rush Limbaugh hate blogs. Only a true musical idiot would rip Rush. My 8 year old nephew understands the the meaning and message of Tom Sawyer. Neil Peart is an accomplished lyricist as well as world class drummer. Get off of Rush and rip really crappy Canadien acts such as Nickelback and Avril Lavigne. One more thing, Geddys voice is absolutely stellar you momo!
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