Due to Popular Demand I will be having a special Corrosion Extravaganza over the weekend.
- I literally have folks from round the globe pining for my dilapidated blistering aluminum aeroplane bits.
There are some great photo's to showcase, and seeing as the frustrating suspense waiting for the Urine/Coke/Coffee drops to powder-up is causing an uproar I was thinking I might just suspend some aluminum in a jar of piss..... See how that goes.
As your Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME) Corrosion Maharishi, I promise the investigation and metallurgic wisdom will continue without further delay......
Check out the history of The Connielingus Corrosion Epic Here

How can you expect anything less from your adoring fans? After all, what OTHER blogger is doing this? :D
Plus, with aluminum (how you saying that over there? - like "Hi, it's Mister Al U Minum" or like the Americans - allllloooowwwminum?)
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the aluminum in piss, has a fringe benefit of probably looking like an ace work of art.
Well done.
I'm very excited about the results.
we say al-ooo-minum in Canada, how do you guys say it I wonder...ya know what bugs me? The way they say Candice on Corrie, we say Can-dis not Can-deese....drives me batty.
Connie, can't wait to see any changes, hopefully, there are some now.
Woohoo! "Coffee, Cola, Urine and Vomit -- The Silent Airplane Killers", back at last! I'm such a nerd.
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