The Sexy Mother Of All Corrosion.........
Hamish - This ones for you....
(My oh My.....You are in for a treat!)
This has to be one of the most extensively rotted out pieces of Aircraft Structure I have witnessed in the past 9 years of my aviation induced delirium.....

A Dirty specimen.... sludgy-slime and ancient toilet water sloshing up and down the Stringer channels, marinating deep inside the rivet holes, leaching into the grains of the once light but strong aluminum extrusion.
Exfoliating from the inside out underneath rows of hot avionics equipment and air conditioning ducts this section was left dark and dank, sweating and freezing, lightly stinking of an acidic ammonia-ish smell that can only be aluminum corrosion.

My pupils dilate, my heart races.....
A blowout of such epic proportions it could make an inspector weak at the knees....

- Lying in a soft bed of white dust....
it's large gaping hole, flakes of dissolution like petals of a flower...
- A True Blowout - as beautiful as it is frightening.

The only thing left to do is warm up the rivet guns and drill her out. A complete stringer replacement is the only remedy to this sick bit of festering non-ferrous metal.
You see, it's not "Rust" my friends... Rust Never Sleeps.......

.....And neither does Aluminum Exfoliation Corrosion.
hmmm powertools!
Go get it girl.
whoah! look out aircraft, your nemesis the connielingus is on a mission to destroy you!
Ripper!!!! (As we say where I come from). Thanks, I'm honoured. Some serious blowout material here. Keep it coming, dammit.
I'm sure Passion for Corrossion either is or should be a band name or an album title somewhere in the last thirty odd years.
Owl, how about...
"Here's that catchy song from the new one-hit wonder, CORRODED PASSIONS... titled, Aluminium Blowout!" (has lots of riveting noises as background)
Thanx guys ;)
Corroded Passions! Rock on!
Lord of the Corrosion! Woo Hoo!
Passion For Corrosion! Swweeeettt!
Good to see yo again Owl!
Tina.... You want a boiler suit eh?
I'll see what I can do..... ;)
a Cultural exchange might have be in the works.......
That's a humdinger!
"Rust Runs Red on the Tarmac" - coming to Theatres near YOU
Oh I'd love to exchange lots of things with you Connie! Britain can get Jenn, and Canada could have me :)
Just kidding. Sort of.
jenn says ooh la la.......
Hi K.
Jenn will have to say "Spot on." and "I say." if'n she's gonna exchange cultures.
Raaaaaathuh, dahhling. Really, she can say whatevah the deuce she damn well pleases, mmmhhmmmhhmmmmm.
Oi Aas, ne take the piss pas out of the way nous parlons en Angleterre. Tu est un cheeky git.
You are SO Bond in that pic, Connie!!!
Eek on the corrosion. Hold me mommy, I'm scared!
What's the progress on that corrosion experiment thingy?
Bloody Hell. Something interesting (in a professional sense) in a blog. Another argument for wider use of engineering composites in airframes (as long as no-one drops their tools on them.) Shows what a search for "mucky pictures" will bring up.
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