
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Friday, April 28, 2006

This Fucking Blog Thing.....

Jesus Christ! I have completly let this Blog-fantastica go to compete SHITE!

To be perfectly honest, I am feeling repelled by the blog... It's like neglecting your friends... like screening your calls... like avoiding things that make you uncomfortable.
You leave for a bit and all your blog gang has new friends and you feel like an online diary outcast... and it was your own stupid fault.

I've just gotten caught up in a crazy relationshit stuff... getting my feet rubbed whilst watching TV after going for long walks on the beach and in bed by 9:00 pm.....

When I was a blog rockstar, living alone, and up til the break of dawn spewing my fantastic crap I had dozens of blog friends and my life was complete and special. I was someone who cared and my peeps loved the planes....

Imagine! I let this blog go fully to the back burner of my life for weeks now and I feel guilty and awkward trying to post something.

I'm an ass.
I just can't bring myself to burn my diary...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Matter of Life and Death

Well, I just returned from jolly ol' England on Wednesday after attending the end of life and funeral of my poor ol' Grandad.

He was 82.

- My Grandad was an RAF pilot in WW2.
- He flew Spitfires and Hurricanes in the Battle of Burma.
- He told the greatest stories about those years, even if they weren't fully true.
- He lived through TB and losing a lung that almost killed him during the war at age 21.
- My Grandma and Grandad moved to Canada in 1981 and lived here for 20 years before deciding to go back to live in Harvington, England in 2002.
- He taught me how to ride a bike, build a campfire, shoot a gun and various other useful things in life.
- He made me love aircraft and flying... so therefore made me who I am today.

I miss him and I had so much respect.

All in all, it was possibly the longest, strangest week and a half of my life.

-----> England is definitely for the English.....Hopefully it is the final moments of Tony Blair.... My Family puts the FUNK in Disfunctional.... It is amazing how much money a last minute trip to the other side of the world actually costs....I love Tesco Sandwiches, Old Peculiar, and Sainsbury Curries....

****And what the Fuck is so special about the Arctic Monkeys?....****

But despite all that, Cheers to you JFD... We can all only hope to have such a brilliant and full life.
You had a profound effect on me and I will remember you forever for that.

xoxoxox Connie

I had your last pint of Guinness for you Grandad. ;)