
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I Lost My Bloggin' Mojo.

Dear lovely and intelligent readers of Connielingus;

I had a bit of a holiday from the pleasures of the blog and I believe I am back now to thrill and amaze you all (or what may be left of you) once again.

I had a bit of a quiet personal meltdown.... I was working quite a lot of overtime, not sleeping properly, drinking too much caffeine and alcohol.
I had completely given up going to the gym and I was eating way too many globules of delicious stinky cheese with my skinny little French girlfriend while drinking beer and watching hockey.
I was getting acid reflux that crawled it's way up my throat every morning and I was having those weird muscle twitches right below my eyelid.
At one point I was considering taking up smoking again and my unnaturally high and amazing sex drive had slipped into neutral.
Whackin' it had become a chore as I wasn't turning myself on feeling like a tired twitching fatty blob of acidic dairy products.
Something had to give.... and sadly it was the joy of blogging.

But hey, I feel much better now.

There's nothing better than a good nights sleep after a little run on the treadmill to get the self-love juices flowing again.
Working a normal 40 hour week is quite conducive to a healthy blog as well.... and we all know how utterly self-satisfying that is.

heh heh.

So in closing, I promise to return with all the vigor you have come to expect of me... as well as my usual subtle dose of soft porn and corrosion.

Lots of Love,

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Now that I've Had 10 THOUSAND Visits to this Shameless Dirty Blog......

Lets Just Sum up everything that is Connielingus......

Dirty, Dirty Aeroplane Corrosion.....

My Live-In-Lovin' Lesbo-Riffic Relationship....

The Ever-so-brilliantly luscious L Word......

Underdog 1982 Canucks....

Nathan Lafayettes Game 7 Goalpost loser 1994 Canucks.....


Whackin' Off.....

Random Friends and Blogger Breasts

Strange Photos and Sook Yin Lee.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Monday, October 10, 2005

Nothing Like a Good Soak and a Poke for the Holidays....

Like the good hiking-boot-wearing-lesbo's that we are, the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday weekend saw Jenn and I jet off to the Village of Nakusp , a natural hotsprings Mecca nestled in the West Kootenays Region of B.C. for some much needed rest and relaxation before the traveling season comes to an end.....

It was Lovely.....

Thursday, October 06, 2005

JAY- ZUS!!!!

I Nearly Boiled my Left Nipple!

Hockey Is Back........

Doesn't it feel good! Hockey Night In Canada!

****Vancouver Canucks... Western Conference Champs 2005-2006..... Defeat Ottawa Senators to Win the Stanley Cup in Game 7 - June 2006.....*****
It is the Chinese Year of the Dog after All.....

May the 12 Year Curse Be Broken.......

The Vancouver Canucks join the National Hockey League 1970 - The Year of the Dog
The Vancouver Canucks go to the Stanley Cup Final 1982 (lose in Game 4) - The Year of the Dog
The Vancouver Canucks go to the Stanley Cup Final 1994 (lose in Game 7) - The Year of the Dog
The Vancouver Canucks ........ 2006 the Year of the Dog

Monday, October 03, 2005


I have just recently realized that I have quite a loyal following of my undeniably sparse Corrosion Shenanigans, and as my title suggests I really should be having some sort of corrosion every "week".
I am sorry I have misled you in the past.... but I promise to show you all of my notable findings, no matter how monotonous to me.....

I suppose I never really thought the sights of such dirty rotten parts would turn anyone on as much as me.
I started the CORROSION OF THE WEEK as sort of a joke.... But, like my Mama warned me, it seems the world really is a small place and it's true that the internet brings out ALL the freaks and geeks......

- So with no further ado, here, my beloved airplane nerds, is your *AIRPLANE CORROSION OF THE WEEK*!!!!!!

Today I have Showcased a blown-out fitting in the Main Landing Gear wheel well of a Boeing 727.

All that was visible to a trained eye after the area was cleaned of all the greasy muddy muck that sprays around being open to the elements during takeoff and landing, was a small puff of fine white dust at the corner of this fitting.

The decision was made to remove the part for a better look and VOILA! The corrosion was much worse than anticipated.
The part was "kicked to the airport curb" and a new one was ordered ASAP from at the usual insane price that is so high for one little measly part you would never believe it even if I told you.
Just think Hundreds.
Then think at least 6 hours labour to install....

Maybe THAT'S why it all is such an unexpected and unexplained turn on for me.... Big Ticket Damage Caused By Average Every Day Environmental Wear and Tear....

Makes you wonder how much of that is false inflation due to the "Rich Bitch Factor"
- you know, like the obvious difference in parts and labour costs between, say, a Pontiac and a Porsche.......

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Don't Get yer Knickers in a Twist!

Oh my, this has been my best readership in months!


Lets start from the beginning.........

I have a guilty blog pleasure aptly named Panties Panties Panties.
- Jenn and I like to check a couple times a week, never comment, and are forever on the lookout for a good pair of knickers to showcase on the highly coveted "Guest Panties"

It has ladies (and men) in exotic, beautiful panties, but it also has a genius layout that has the blogmaster and blogmistress, Brett and Hiromi, speaking to us in an intelligent conversational mode.
I love that they banter back and forth about their sexual escapades, as well as their daily goings-on.

Fetish or Not - It has leather, it has lace....It is suggestive but doesn't leave you feeling violated.
It is a perfect blog about a specialty theme.
Not too porny.... Its just right.

WELL IMAGINE MY SURPRISE When I clicked over yesterday to find that there had been a post in my honour about (of all things) my hatred of RUSH and my subtle dirty talk about corrosion!

MY GOD! I have been showcased on Panties Panties Panties!

Over 100 ginchlovers from all over the globe have perused my blog today because of this referral alone.

I am so turned on right now.