
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Finally You are Free.......

Here's to you Terri Schiavo....For you, I'm glad it is over. For the most part I am speaking in terms of the North American obsession with "Reality TV" and unfortunatly your difficult story didn't escape the relentless media and its neverending quest to emotionally shock and stun its audience....all I can say is shame on you for turning this woman's life into a Religion vs. Reality soap opera.
In her memory, I hope everyone takes just one minute, right now, to think of what their wishes would be if the same sort of tragedy happened to them....and then communicate that to those who love you....Write out your will.... Shit happens sometimes, It's your life....Don't leave these choices for your parents/wives/husbands or children to make.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Now this is Corrosion!.....This is the stuff of Structural Inspection Dreams....The kind of Corrosion that makes you yell out with glee - "BLOWOUT!" (notice how the aluminum has broken down {into powdery flakes} so much that it actually has exfoliated from its formed shape) - This mess was found around the Landing Gear area and was probably caused from excess moisture and dirt that is splashed all around the area by the spinning tires as the gear is retracted after takeoff. No worries though...The repair is already in progress with all new parts! Posted by Hello

.....Good Riddance to Tonya.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The L word - Episode 206 - "Lagrimas de Oro"

I can't quite put my finger on what it is about the 'Word lately that has been leaving me feeling kinda icky. I'm guessing that maybe that is the whole know...we must really FEEL the drama, but nevertheless, I'm fuckinwell attached to these fancy-pants faux-lesbo characters. I've been having all these schizo-emotions concerning their well-being for the last couple ep' minute I'm sick of their shit and by the next week I'm sooo regretful of my premature negativity and I want to rub them down with some calming essential oil. hmmmm. Maybe I just need to get out more....BUT until the weather brightens up, HERE'S THIS WEEKS LOWDOWN ON THE L-WORD.....
Basically, Everyone is getting it on - except Bette...Right off the bat, Kit is running off to get some big TOE action with Benjamin Bradshaw...Sounds like he's married and this escapade just adds to the shows running total of infidelities. Mark the slimeball continues to push Shane's buttons concerning his videographing male ideologies, and then figures in his twisted mind that he will pay some hot blonde to deliver flowers and seduce the seducer while he is secretly filming his "documentary". On the flip side, Carmen is so taken by Shane, and Shane is so taken with Carmen that they continue to stir the dykedrama pot, and unfortunately Carmen has chosen to use Jenny as a jealousy-inducing pawn. I am ALMOST starting to feel sorry for ol J-dawg....I mean, she is SO self-conscious and nutty - the last thing she needs right now is to be fucked around....For the love of God! Just think of the crazy Circus scenes we will see....She already fell to her death off a trapeze platform this week....How much more can we possibly take!
Tina and Helena finally consummate their bubbling lust in the coolness of a hotel pool. There is something I don't like about Helena....Maybe "T" will figure it out the hard way and go running back to ol' sad-sack Bette. I feel sorry for her a little now. I'm not ashamed to admit - The cut flowers and the "you hold all the cards" sentiment while Tina was "doing it for the first time" with someone else was a little heart-wrenching.
That leaves Dana and Alice. To sum it up short and sweet....Alice says "no way am I gonna be your back-door woman" and forces Dana to make the choice. Dana goes to the "Melissa Rivers Tennis Competition" and gets up the knackers to break off the engagement with Tonya....EXCEPT...Tonya has already run off with MELISSA RIVERS! - for the love of Pete! WHAT!!!!???!!!! I know, I know....who woulda guessed that one.
so...Dana and Alice are in shock and awe and run home with their tails between their knees....So sadly anti-climactic. Who knows what is in store now that the Lesbo Celebrity wedding is off....Will their undying lust and heady love scenes prevail?????

Monday, March 28, 2005


It was last summer when I heard the likes of the Scottish band Snow Patrol and their feel-good brit-rock album "Final Straw"...With a rollicking conglomerate of a Coldplay/R.E.M. type sound it was included in many 2004 "best of" lists, but for some reason was barely noticed here in Canada. Although the whole album is quality, the song on CONNIELINGUS RADIO is "Chocolate" of my personal favorites. (Just click on the above link and wait a few seconds and the song and video will start automatically.)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Back to Reality Then......

I am sitting here in the full throes of a Love Hangover....It's been nearly 3 hours since the heavy-hearted drop off at Airport gates and I have moped around this house lost as to how to get back to where I was mentally 72 hours ago. (This is the 8th time I've done this, but it seems to be getting progressively worse.) I have eaten chocolate, listened to Sade, drank a sorrowful glass of wine, all while lying pensive in an overly hot bath trying in vain to smooth over my attachment. It never ceases to amaze me the transformation that takes place over these love-crazed long weekends - I go from almost anxious to even be setting foot back in a relationship type setting, to fighting the overwhelming emptiness of her departure...I loathe my weepy airport eyes as I walk out to the Park-n-Fly alone.
Mostly I float along in a self-contained bubble of my own thoughts and plans...Taking care of me and only me, comforted by my way and the consequent self-satisfying moves, But alas - maybe I do truly long for co-habitation again... My favorite part of this flawless visit was sitting at the kitchen table after gorging our silly-selves on a huge breakfast feast - reading the paper and sipping coffee....All the while with my foot atop hers. Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Not that I've been sitting around this fine Saturday Morning looking at dirty Internet pictures with my Girlfriend, but we did (somewhat innocently) come across Retro Raunch.....On one hand, it was quite unsettling to see smutty pictures of people who could now be our grandparents....but yet still nostalgically enticing....even with the sexy bloomers shots. (You should go take the tour...naughty sex, is in fact, timeless.)  Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 24, 2005

You Know Its A Good Day When......

- The Company you work for is awarded a 20 year 2.3 BILLION dollar Military/Government Contract....Free Pizza and Cake party for all employees this afternoon.

- Thursday = Friday

- You go 2 for 2 in RRRoll up the Rim winning a free DONUT. mmmm do-nuts....

and best of all.....

- Your lovely, beautiful Girlfriend will be arriving on a Jet plane in mere hours after a long, tedious, 5 weeks...You will spend the Easter weekend poking around the bush searching for her hidden Eggs while she wears your pink Easter bonnet. tee hee.

Oh Lordy - I am so giddy I could just pee!......Hope you all have a peaceful weekend. (I will be living a dirty french novel).....kissesxoxox


Just for your Long Weekend pleasure I'm going to hook you up with one of my favorite Songs of 2002...The Strokes - "Someday", from their highly acclaimed debut album "Is This It". Its a simple, catchy, and happy-go-lucky Easter egg hunting soundtrack for the masses. You can check it out HERE on CONNIELINGUS RADIO. (just click the link and wait a few seconds and the music and video will start automatically)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Infamous American $20 Bill 9/11 Coincidence

I realize this is old news and most people have heard or seen it in some form or an other - If not Just Look Here.
My ol' Pal Chummy from work actually showed me the $20 foldy thing recently and it was kinda freaky, kinda weird, a coincidence - a conspiracy????....Nevertheless, I couldn't get it out of my mind, and I was asking friends and family if they had seen or heard of it and a lot said HUH? (cause we are in Canada you see, and all you can fold in money here is the Queen having crossed eyes, but I digress....)
I found the above mentioned link and I didn't realize you could fold the $50 and $100 into an uncanny 9/11 picture as well. I have lots of questions swirling around my vast mindscape concerning WTF? How does shit like this happen? What is the anatomy of a freak coincidence? Why is the world so creepy?

Naughty girls......Alice and Dana Posted by Hello

The L word - Episode 205 - "Labyrinth"

....I actually saw the latest installment of the L-word on Monday evening, but it has taken me this long to recover from the appalling turn of events - ANOTHER "Monstrosity" Jenny Dream-writing sequence - Thus week, featuring - "The pig-face people go to the carnival" I was hoping, that seeing the "Jenny" character get shot in the heart during a "tragic" shooting-gallery mishap, would mean the end to these artsy nightmare cinematics.....But once again I am sadly mistaken. I just hope all this is going somewhere - I am going to need some closure soon.
There is in fact a positive spin in our difficult relationship with Jenny Schecter ...Her new haircut is a success! It has in fact, given her a new lease on life and she looks hellava lot more appealing (to me at least).
I was very pleased to witness Dana and Alice finally get down to some carpet-burn lovin' on the very eve of Dana and Tonya's bachlorette party. It was all really well orchestrated and quite amusing, but still sexy-as-hell. As far as lesbo sex scenes go - I give it Two Fingers Up! The one thing that drives me batty is how Dana just jumps right back in with Toxic-Tonya Lickity split....Its really hurting my poor girl Alice and I can't bear to see it go on much longer.......
Things are going disturbingly wrong at Shane and Jenny's Love shack....It seems the dick-snack, Ethan Hawke-lookalike, roommate Mark has decided to set up hidden cameras all over the house - including bedrooms. I don't like where this story-line is heading and I just hope that the girls find out sooner rather than later of their reluctant porn-star status. Just throw another suitcase of trust-issues on Shane's mysterious emotional baggage-cart. Then again, knowing Jenny....she may very well embrace this new found sport of exibitionism.
So that leaves the Bette and Tina soap opera. Things started to look-up for our favorite "married" couple, but cue the ravenous Helena Peabody who might in fact inject a little charisma and spice into perpetual background floater - Tina Kennard. I'm not sure what Ms. Peabody has up her sleeve but I have a sneaking suspicion that she will be giving "T" her own private Lamaze class, if you know what I mean. Bette is not enthralled by this new turn of events, in fact, she's downright despondent, thus making my attraction to her from last season wane as the episodes pass and her penchant for temper tantrums grow. (Oh Bette...For the love of god take your head out of your ass.....)

Monday, March 21, 2005

The RRROLL UP THE RIM String of Unwinning has Ended.

I RRRolled up that Godforsaken Rim Today and I damn well won a my first FREE COFFEE! 15 coffee's I consumed in the last 14 days...and 35 coffee's overall since March 2003....THE drought is officially over!!!! - I think it was the 17 different pictures I took yesterday afternoon of my "PLEASE PLAY AGAIN" Tower of Shame (as shown above), that maybe reversed the evil Horton curse. My chances of winning the GMC Envoy are still alive...must keep consuming...time is running out.... Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Well, after hours of deliberation concerning my reputation if I play this song, I figured, just for shits and giggles - I'm just gonna do it....This bi-weekly song and video features the Teenage Russian Faux-Lesbian Duo of T.A.T.U., thrashing and kissing in the cold rain, (oooh I'm going to have some quality links here from Google with that last statement!) singing in broken english on their fantastically lame/yet shamelessly catchy one-hit-wonder "All The Things She Said". Just click HERE and wait a couple seconds and the video will start automatically. (I know, I know....I'm terrible...)


Ok, so there was no Airplane Corrosion of interest this week, so I thought I would substitute it with a picture of the inside of the PSU (passenger service unit) which is in fact the panel above your head that houses the lights(far right), air vents (center, connected to the orange tube), and the compartment that holds the dangly yellow oxygen masks that come down if there is a "sudden loss of cabin pressure". I have witnessed the sight of all those masks falling down while tests of the system are being run, and its actually quite comical....The shitty part is that they all have to be rolled back up in a certain way so they fall down without getting tangled, and they have to be rolled tight enough to fit in that small compartment....Frustrating, but we do it with a smile, for it is after all, for the safety and well being of You, our beloved flying public!! Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Let's Hear it For The Boys........

I work with All Men, All The Time....Well pretty much "all men" - The ratio of guys fixing airplanes to girls at my company is about 150 to 7. Now I've had a few purist/feminist/gay ladies tell me "YOU GO GIRL!, but how do you do it?....You know, ALL MEN, ALL THE TIME!?!?" - and really, for me, its fairly elementary - I LIKE hanging around with guys. Men are simple creatures! - and I do sorta mean that in complimentary way (tee hee). For the majority of the time its all about the airplanes and the workplace frustrations, and of course the stereotypical male fare - Sex, motorized vehicles, and the "mysteries" of women. But in their favor I must say that 99% of my fellow tradesmen are respectful to me, respectful of their wives and families, and even on some occasions come to me for advice on relationship woes, and there is, for the most part a strange manly-pact that some information, is in fact, sacred.
Now...Conversely, I cannot see things going as effortlessly in, say, an office-type setting full of women. Now don't get me wrong, I love women (and I mean I LOVE women) but I know the deep ingrained compulsion to air dirty laundry, meddle, and trash talk until every rival has been overcome (it is a natural phenomenon - it has been passed down for thousands of generations!)The Office-Lady Microcosm can be a viscous female-dog eat dog world.
-So what it comes down to is this - I don't know that now, after years of lunch-time arguments over why Chevy is better than Ford, and WHO actually has the bigger dink that I would have the gumption to take on a room of coffee-fueled broads who want to break through that glass-ceiling with my lifeless corpse. You see, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Friday, March 18, 2005

*Explore New Music Fridays (issue # 2)*

One of the most gorgeous and unique albums I've heard in ages is Feist - Let it Die. While not exactly "new", Leslie Feist (Placebo, Broken Social Scene) released her second sultry solo effort last May, but has slowly but surely been gaining a well deserved notoriety.
There is no specific target market to Feist's music as it changes so drastically from song to song, One minute a disco-tinged arouser followed by some classy crooning blues/folk....But it still brilliantly manages to keep a masterful flow throughout the record. Personally I think it's Feist's smoky voice that is the real gem and I'm sure anyone from anywhere can find one song on this album that they can admire. You can take a Listen HERE (Just click on the CD icon at the bottom right-hand corner)

Vous Etes La Fille La Plus Belle Au Monde!

ooh la la...... I just LOVE French Girls! Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 17, 2005


I figured there is enough good music to play so I'm going to change it up more instead of the "Song of The Week" on CONNIELINGUSRADIO we will have "Song of the (bi)Week" on say, Wednesdays and Sundays....sound good?
So today I launch the New York based band Yeah Yeah Yeah's with the song "Maps" from the 2003 album "Fever to Tell".
(just click on the link above, wait a few seconds and the music and video will start automatically) Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ok...Here is the scene! Bette (Jennifer Beals) is sitting at the bar checking out the babes and LOOK who is behind her .......................... FAKTEH (damn-near-killed-her)!!!!! *** Here's a funny little side note - I had this kinda summer "friendship" with a Vancouver/Persian chick who's name was Fakteh(damn-near-killed-her) [pictured below] - Well she was an extra in this episode. COOL...i knew someone who sat behind Jennifer Beals!**** Posted by Hello

Fakteh(damn-near-killed-her) tells her friends that her experience being an extra on the L-word was "Off tha Hook"  Posted by Hello

The L word - Episode 204 "Lynch Pin"

This episode was very busy-busy and lots happened in quick little snippets. I am going to make this review a quick little snippet cause I'm not in the mood to get all typey-typey....So here goes : This episode marks the intro to a few new regular characters for season 2. Right off the bat we meet philanthropist offspring seductress named Helena Peabody...She looks like trouble to me. Later we meet Mark, Jenny and Shanes new videographer male roommate....He looks like trouble to me. Cameryn Manheim drops by to play the power-lady bitch extrodinaire movie producer "Veronica Bloom" who, like everyone in this show is taken by Shane and her sexy coolness. Shane is destined to be her new "assistant" - whatever THAT entails!? Bette goes to New York to try and persuade Helena Peabody to continue to support her art gallery but gets snubbed. Tired of being fucked around, Bette proceeds to get "fucked" around her hotel room with a hot piece of ass she picked up at the bar. Meanwhile ever-the-persistent lawyer Joyce Wishnia attempt to stick her sloppy tongue (did anyone else notice how slobbery she was) down Tina throat....Then tells her to relax, she's done it with pregnant women before. EEEEEW. Joyce is not cool. Tina bails on the crotchety ol' broad and promptly leaves the guest house. Where will she go????? Kit is off at a business seminar that results in getting the love vibes from the motivational speaker. Alice and Dana are on a double date at the amusement park - Alice's date is a guy, and Dana is a might bit jealous. Alice gets defensive and demands to know WTF? They share a pivotal kiss, and we are left to wait on its outcome. Jenny is crushing hard on Carmen, but she is still caught up in Shane. Jenny gets all wiggy and forlorn in her trademark fashion, feels she needs to look more the part and then asks Shane to Cut her hair short....Cut to credits.

What's The Funniest Thing You Have Ever Humped?

I saw the link to on Bacon and Eh's and I had to pass the fun and games to all my readers. This site showcases people from all over the land humping anything and everything from statues to famous landmarks. You can even submit your own creative humping pic! (You know, at one time, a mere 10 years ago, the internet was hailed as a unparalleled learning tool...Opening the world to sharing thoughts and ideas...We really have bastardized that happy little preconception haven't!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Connie Goes Out On The Town - One Night Only!

So these past weekend I decided it was time for me to venture outside my little pink house and run free with my own kind....I was invited to A Lesbo Birthday Party Extravaganza!
(- Just to unearth a brief history here) I have my old life and I have my new life. I detest and loathe my old life - The People, The Places, The Smells, The Sounds....I am all too happy to never set foot in that nightmare again. My *NEW* life consists of Me living with Me, My Albertan Girlfriend, and a very limited and guarded social life and I'm blissful and fufilled this way. I have a small newer group of safe friends and social scene I am attempting to build at an arms length, AND THIS is the realm this story takes place in....
Ok - so if there is one thing I can't stand about being a lesbian is all the fucking connections to every other lesbian in a 100 mile radius...(You know, "The Web" a la Alice Pieziecki.) It seems that if you DON'T want to be friendly with your Ex's, or you DON'T feel the need to be chummy with your Ex's Ex's and their Ex girlfriend Posse, you are in fact, Shit out of Luck for having anything resembling a casual, spontaneous Gay sisterhood. So to make a long dumb story very short and enjoyable, I'm out and proud at the party, chatting and laughing and awaiting the arrival of some "new" friends they have met since I've seen them last. Well....The new broads turn out to old news for me, one of them (who curiously is a spitting image of my ex's ex)had dated my ex after our demise and whose latest girlfriend was heavily rumoured to be secretly in love with my ex's ex....WTF?!? I know! (3 moves connected back to me!)
-In the end it all turned out alright, I just didn't make eye contact, and they left early....But what it was, was a lesson - you can run, but you can't hide from your big bad homosexual drama filled past. Its as much a part of you as your finger is to your hand.......

Monday, March 14, 2005

Are You Looking For The L - Word BitTorrent?

I thought I would update this as I've noticed a few people have been linked to this blog in search of "L-word bittorrent" -I previously had a link up to my personal fave site Well it seems to be having server issues and is temporarily down....But not to fear! I found another place to get your L-word! I am downloadin' episode 204 as we speak.....


It was pushing 20 degrees C here in the Fabulous Okanagan Valley this weekend - It's almost Time for Deck Party Season!!!!! I can hardly wait....This Pic was from The August Long Weekend Blur of 2004.....I Think by this point we were dancing to Dolly Parton's 9 - 5......GT's Posted by Hello

My Bachelor-ette Life in a Nutshell

Late Sunday Night Fare at my house .....Computer, HTML notes, Imitation Crab on a blue styrofoam platter, and cheap BC Red. Cheers! HAPPY MONDAY!!! Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Well little Baby Blog grew up and spawned its own big bad offspring! I am pleased to present Connielingus Radio! This week features a song and video by Montreal band "The Stills". (Just click on the link above and wait a few seconds and the video will start automatically)
- Enjoy, my precious readers.-

Saturday, March 12, 2005

OK.....I Think I Have Seen It All Now.

I was cruising the naughty underbelly of the proverbial blogospere and came across Pornoblography (18 and over viewers please). About mid-way down the page it has various photos of "sexual enhancements" for just about every normal (or twisted) pleasure you may ever have the need to express. Like I stated above....I think I have actually seen it all now......


OOOOh!...This is corrosion caused by urine and water collecting on an lavatory attach angle, but URINE luck - We fixed it!  Posted by Hello

Friday, March 11, 2005

"Explore New Music Friday's"

Well, first off, in the "Local Yokels" category we have Phoera...Take a listen... I am now a fan! Correct me if I'm wrong, My first impressions are a sorta A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms meets the "Gish" era Smashing Pumpkins (listen to Rhinoceros) with a small splash of the early 90's indie darling's Eric's Trip...Especially the girly voice bits.

Next we have in the "New english/emo/punk melancholy sound type band" category, typical, yet somehow a little different...BLOC PARTY - Enjoy your Listen....I'm in Love.

(Hey! also check out Aural Hygiene Radio This Radio Blog has got a great playlist featuring Bloc Party and a bunch of other great bands.)

Chew up the Rim is more like it..........

Yep, You read it right - ROLL UP THE RIM TO PLEASE PLAY AGAIN - 29 cups of pure brown gold but STILL no free donut to soak it up. The 1 in 9 chance of winning one of the 25 million food prizes is officially a fallacy, as yesterday marked number 9 in the 2005 contest and no winnie for Connie. At 4 am i awoke with the epiphany that maybe the whole angle behind the "PLEASE PLAY AGAIN" is to be polite yet demand another purchase ..Well I'm not having it!.....Today i did not spend $1.40 at fookface Tim Hortons ...hah! there.  Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 10, 2005

"My Wrists Are On Fire"

This commercial has become a classic of epic proportions with my workmates lately. You know the either love it or hate it...."Hey Sally! Taking a break?" "Poof...My Wrists are on fire" ....A ninja move later Aspirin appears and Sally's wrists are no longer on fire, just mildly smoking, she's smiling and back to work! YAY!....Brilliant!Genius!
All day at work its our funny little vignette. We all take a try at our best "My wrists are on fire" imitation and try in vain to figure out how the redhead does her hand move to reveal the aspirin...It's a fast hand chop and a swoop....But the aspirin does in fact appear from mid air...She is most definitely a ninja... either that or a magician who has a penchant for martial arts moves.
Oh, the joys of being utterly asinine. Life is good....

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Dana and Alice go at it in the infamous "Planet" bathroom...... Posted by Hello

The L word - Episode 203 - "Loneliest Number"

Well, shit seems to be going pear-shaped for our gang of luscious L-word ladies. This episode was full of anguish, misery, gloominess, heartache, foreboding, uncertainty, trepidation, awkwardness, and immoral and impulsive behavior. (well, more than usual anyways)
Bette and Tina are in the full throes of rich-lesbian divorce, and the pushy, creepy lawyer Joyce Wishnia is determined to get what's coming to Tina....I'm thinking that's going to be more like what's coming WITH Tina, if you are picking up what I'm throwing down. (Did I mention that T has moved into JW's guesthouse!)
Bette proceeds to crash her car and manhandles some road-raged twit....spends the rest of the episode screaming, drinking and smoking.
Shane and the damn-fine new chick Carmen get it on, but Shane is all tough and no attachment...but Shane is not that hard to figure out we all know deep down she is smitten. All the while her new roomie, Jenny, is lurking in the shadows, ready and willing to pounce on this fresh meat left unattended....But not before going all freaky again and stalking the writing teacher (a fabulously bitchy Sandra Bernhard)and showing up for the class she is not in.
Dana is starting to realize that Tonya is a bit of a nut, and the whole Celebrity Lesbian Wedding fiasco was definitely over the top. Dana gets pissy about a 15% payout Tonya is taking off her profits for being her "manager". She naturally goes off to be consoled by her real honey, Alice. This unrequited love storyline is brilliant! But,they better get on with it....The Absolut Vodka sponsored Celeb Lesbo nuptial is looming (*cringe*)
Kit re-opens "The Planet" and its a smash! Carmen is spinning the tunes, Alice and Dana are making eyes, Bette is drinking and smoking, Jenny is lurking and Shane is getting it on with the lead singer of "Betty"....Carmen gets jealous, and Jenny senses that this is a good time to ask her go home with her. Carmen says yes, but another time - she is still working....Shane approaches to witness Carmen lean over and kiss Jenny (oh we go...) Bette goes home and floats face down in the pool fully clothed while Kit sings "Some Kind of Wonderful" in the background.
Whoa....angstful stuff....can't wait til next week!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

WHY?!!!?? Posted by Hello

It's not for everyone.

Nobody said it was gonna be easy.....Ah the perils of a long-distance relationship! The excitement, the devotion, Glorious meet-ups, long goodbyes, the best phone plans, Westjet seat sale scrambles....Possibly the longest 6 months of my life, but relationship-wise, the most truthful, mellow and committed one I think I've ever had.
My girlfriend lives 10 hours away on the other side of the Rockies, thus being just far enough, and a possible winter weather nightmare away from being a easy, feasible drive for the most part...But through the somewhat "affordability" of Canada's favorite airline (NOT Air Canada) we see each other once every 4-6 weeks. I'd like to say I'm getting used to it, But I miss her more every time.
We are on the "One Year Plan" - No one is moving anywhere in the first 12 months because we want to be goddamn sure this truly is the good times. I promised myself no more co-habitation after the messy collapse of a few previous bouts of "playing house". As much as I hate that stupid U-HAUL joke...I know its true.
All and all this love affair is a lot of work and money to maintain, but it's real, it's healthy, and we still have our lives and space...Plus its always nice to get away for the weekend.....even if it is to northern Alberta in the winter.

Monday, March 07, 2005

The Evergreen Supertanker!!!!!!!!!!!

"Evergreen International Aviation realizes new aerial firefighting challenges call for a new and improved aircraft. In response to this urgent problem, Evergreen International Aviation has combined its years of aerial firefighting expertise with its experience as an owner/operator of Boeing 747 aircraft to develop the nation’s next generation firefighting and aerial application platform—the Evergreen Supertanker."

ooooh.....for all us airplane geeks, This one is hot stuff! (thanx to Greg E for the link)

Monday Morning....I'm still having Mexico Flashbacks. Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I still miss Hockey......Oh well, The Vernon Vipers are in 1st Place in the BCJHL (Interior)and are going all the way! Playoff tickets go on sale this Thursday at 9am - GO VIPERS GO! Posted by Hello