
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Let's Hear it For The Boys........

I work with All Men, All The Time....Well pretty much "all men" - The ratio of guys fixing airplanes to girls at my company is about 150 to 7. Now I've had a few purist/feminist/gay ladies tell me "YOU GO GIRL!, but how do you do it?....You know, ALL MEN, ALL THE TIME!?!?" - and really, for me, its fairly elementary - I LIKE hanging around with guys. Men are simple creatures! - and I do sorta mean that in complimentary way (tee hee). For the majority of the time its all about the airplanes and the workplace frustrations, and of course the stereotypical male fare - Sex, motorized vehicles, and the "mysteries" of women. But in their favor I must say that 99% of my fellow tradesmen are respectful to me, respectful of their wives and families, and even on some occasions come to me for advice on relationship woes, and there is, for the most part a strange manly-pact that some information, is in fact, sacred.
Now...Conversely, I cannot see things going as effortlessly in, say, an office-type setting full of women. Now don't get me wrong, I love women (and I mean I LOVE women) but I know the deep ingrained compulsion to air dirty laundry, meddle, and trash talk until every rival has been overcome (it is a natural phenomenon - it has been passed down for thousands of generations!)The Office-Lady Microcosm can be a viscous female-dog eat dog world.
-So what it comes down to is this - I don't know that now, after years of lunch-time arguments over why Chevy is better than Ford, and WHO actually has the bigger dink that I would have the gumption to take on a room of coffee-fueled broads who want to break through that glass-ceiling with my lifeless corpse. You see, I'm a lover, not a fighter.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Yay! I've converted yet another to the L-word! Trust will love it! (i think its only one more conversion and i get my free toaster oven! tee hee!) The only question remaining is : Who is your favorite character?


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