This Fucking Blog Thing.....
Jesus Christ! I have completly let this Blog-fantastica go to compete SHITE!
To be perfectly honest, I am feeling repelled by the blog... It's like neglecting your friends... like screening your calls... like avoiding things that make you uncomfortable.
You leave for a bit and all your blog gang has new friends and you feel like an online diary outcast... and it was your own stupid fault.
I've just gotten caught up in a crazy relationshit stuff... getting my feet rubbed whilst watching TV after going for long walks on the beach and in bed by 9:00 pm.....
When I was a blog rockstar, living alone, and up til the break of dawn spewing my fantastic crap I had dozens of blog friends and my life was complete and special. I was someone who cared and my peeps loved the planes....
Imagine! I let this blog go fully to the back burner of my life for weeks now and I feel guilty and awkward trying to post something.
I'm an ass.
I just can't bring myself to burn my diary...