
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Blogging about your Career....

To be honest, one of the reasons I got somewhat "bored" of writing about Corrosion and airplane stuff, is that I got kinda paranoid.
There were a few comments made to me from co-workers such as "What would Management think of all the pictures you have?"

- Well of course I replied, "Bahh!, it's nothing! I've never mentioned the company name ... I've never said anything but how in love with Corrosion I am!.... What COULD they say?"

But it shook me.

There is the blogging urban legend warning of scores of people losing their jobs for the complicated web it weaves.... My job is all about trade secrets and keeping the sky safe for everyone.
----> Maybe showing Airplanes rotting out and me being me, showcasing pictures of my co-workers nipples could be perceived as irresponsible and unprofessional in some peoples eyes....

I was worried that the dude who questioned me was thinking of outing my happy little blog.....
I saw how great blogmistress' like Aviatrix made a rule of never mentioning any company names....

Paranoia will destroy ya.

But, you know what? - Fuck it!
----->I think I must have dropped the haters by now and only my faithful still remain.
You guys love me right? You would never tell....
I only wanted to share the joy of galvanic metal decomposition with the world.

Exfoliation is beautiful......

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Airplanes and Corrosion It Is.......

Well, what can I say....

I have some great "fans" of Connielingus who, in the last week, have sent me emails and left comments to say that they actually really liked my blog and it's Aircraft genre... - They hoped That I wouldn't quit.

Well, I honestly never thought Corrosion would be such a hit!

I mean, when I see a blow-out of epic proportions I secretly get a bit of a Girly hard-on, but to think there are others just like me out there in this strange and beautiful world....
I am sorry I was on the verge of giving up on you.

Well, I honestly haven't been around too much Corrosion lately.... I have been involved in a new project which involves installing winglets on 757's.

----> It's actually quite the process... The fwd and aft spars get cut at the tip, the top and bottom wing skins get removed 10 ft at the end of the wing followed by various stiffners and stringers that are installed inside the fuel cell/wing all the way back to the engine nacelle.
Finally after all the beef ups the Winglet is installed to the wingtip, making for a sexy, stylish fuel saving add-on.

Get This....
Because the Winglets smooth out the turbulent air movement at the end of the wings during flight, over time you can save up to 5% in fuel consumption... When you are talking thousands of pounds of fuel each flight - that's a shit load of money.

At approx. a million dollars for the install, rumour has it that Winglets pay for themselves in just 2 years....

----->Do you guys want to see a SWEET Video Clip?????

Click HERE to watch a Flyby by the "Land of Ice" Airlines 757 on it's test flight after our last install 2 weeks ago. Watch for the Sticky-up parts on the end of the wing!

I did that!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My New Blog......

So I have a new blog.
I even have a new alter-ego.
It's yet another godforsaken mp3 music blog...
-But this one is good.- (I've already been doing it for a week now.)

You wanna see it?

Let me know what you think....

I'll probably be over at my new place for the most part from now on, but I haven't decided to end Connielingus just yet....
I'll still be around once a week or so for all you HARDCORE Connielingus fans out there.... lol.

Take care bloggie friends...
xoxoxoxox connie

Thursday, February 09, 2006

the one year blogging blues.....

So I have decided I am going a new direction with my blogging career

- And it will be soon

-------> a music/mp3 based blog
you know, "the review of the song, click the mp3 download link" type deal.

here's an example....

Laura Veirs is so cool!
You can listen to some vintage Laura Veirs by clicking the link!
Listen Now! Green Cowboy


Holy Shit! The White Stripes are Covering a Tegan and Sara Song!!!!
Listen to Walking With a Ghost

I will be so cool.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Way We Live.......


Just so you know,
I HAVE been watching Season 3 of The Word and so far so good.
Carmen's ass at the end of ep 3 was quite delightful.....

Jenny is obviously on her meds.....
So all is good there.

A wee bit of a confusing time warp from the finale ep. of last year....
Somehow in the last 6 months Alice and Dana break up, Alice goes "Jenny Psycho", Dana may die, Helena turns into a pleasant, helpful friend of Alice (?) Bette still doesn't have a job, Tina is an indifferent cyber-sexing bitch and Carmen and Shane are happy-go-lucky lovers in a dangerous time.
Throw in a little FTM drama and we are in for some intense action.

Oh yeah, and,

------>Kit is probably gonna hump the "Manny" isn't she.....

At least there is no sign of "Betty" thus far.

And just for the record - Personally, I find Moira somewhat attractive.....