
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Monday, July 04, 2005

The Burnout of a Blogstar.... Weblog Supernova!

"Whoa! Look at all that Gay Pride just shooting out the top of my roof......."

You know something, ever since Jenn moved in it has become painfully clear just how much time I did spend each day:

1. Contemplating Blog posts
2. Typing Blog posts
3. Searching for pictures
4. Reading the members of my blog gangs posts
5. Commenting on those posts....

- Christ on a Crutch! It was hours upon hours. (I figured between 14 to 20 hours a week.)
I noticed the lack of blog time right away after the move ( bless Jenn as she really doesn't mind me blogging and actually quite enjoys reading the comments )
- its just now I have more of a structured life, I do more things AWAY from the computer... Like eating. I was a chronic computer eater... Lots of snacky shit.... Now I have a meal time where I sit at the table and have conversations about my day.... There goes an hour of Blog-time right there.
Another screen gazing killer is actually going to bed at a proper hour... You can lose between 1 and 3 hours of precious creative writing with the ideal 8 hours of zzzzz's a night! Big time internet death there.....

Fuck Me!.... being a blogstar is a hard act to keep real.

Well, one good thing is I am on afternoon-shift for the next 3 weeks which means I may sorta regress back into my naughty computer-black hole habits as I can stay up until all hours if need be.
- But then again, It's already crossed my mind how sweet it will be after a long hard day at work to snuggle into bed with my sweet girl instead of sitting alone staring off into cyber space....... 


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

Connie, if we saw as much of you as we had been doing, I'd be very concerned. I'm not sure people with real lives should have time to blog, but it's great the you do find a little bit of time for it still.

14-20 hours a week? Bloody hell, I must be on at least 35, but I'm never away from my computer anyway.

I need one of those life things too I think.

Keep reaching for that rainbow!

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Yeah T, truth be told it was at least 20 hours ..... errrrm that sounds bad doesn't it.... considering with my commute I am gone from the house at work for 50 hours a week.
People with lives must find it very hard to keep a blog full time everyday.... even worse now that it is summer time.

I love this blog thing though, it is my hobby, it keeps my creative juices flowing.
I was a chronic bulletin board poster and a bit of a chat room whore in the past but I find this a bit more my style and can be anything you want it to be.... Its a bit of an ego release at times for some people but you get a really neat insight into the blog-people you meet. It's fucking addicting!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

I love blogging too. I used to do the chatrooms and messenger and shit, but this beats the lot. I can say what I like in my own little world and, ultimately, it's up to me if I want to pull the plug completely. So long as people have thoughts, ideas and experiences, they'll always have something to write about. Whether they have the time to or not is a different matter.

Whatever happens, I've enjoyed connielingus and I'm sure you'll always manage to keep us updated, even if it's not as frequently as has been.

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is christ on a crutch like pope on a rope?

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Aviatrix said...

Seeing as I'm off work, you're hereby ordered to blog less than me.

Damn, whose blog am I going to read between posts, now?

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Connie said...

No worries my sweeties, I'm not going anywhere just yet.... just don't be surprised if I miss a day here and there, or just post a lazy picture or two....

aas, Christ on a Crutch is EXACTLY like a Pope on a Rope! good call!

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Herge Smith said...

I've been writing stuff for years, but never had any success at being 'published' in the traditional sense. I've found blogging massively liberating... I can try out new ideas, write and draw stuff. I love it. I do keep feeling like it's all about to be taken away from me though. And I'll be forced to endlessly submit plays and stuff to the BBC, only for them to reject reject reject... Oops, went off on one there.

You are a blog star btw...

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Rowan said...

blog star, I like that!

Yeah, I feel so out ofthe loop with you guys now! I mean, not that my life is exciting or whatnot, but generally speaking, I only blog while I'm at work.

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Connie said...

no worries Rowan! good to see you!


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