
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Monday, June 27, 2005


What better way to start the fresh new work week after a holiday than with some nice juicy corrosion!!!!! I can almost taste the sulfury metallic dust now....

This lovely specimen was spotted on the underside of the Cabin floor, a typical haven for all sorts of moisture-induced nasties which are extremely common in passenger aircraft and also happen to be the worst enemy to Aluminum structure....
That's right kids, like I've mentioned Time and Time again... Coffee, Cola, Urine and Vomit - The Silent Airplane Killers -
The tragic truth is that most ignorant passengers spray these plane-poisons around without a care in the world..... Pissing into the wind and blowing chunks at will after drunkenly tipping their 15th Rum and Coke down the sidewall.

The safety of each and every flight depends on your diligence....
Please urinate sitting down and always vomit into a waterproof receptacle....And maybe consider a nice Gin and Tonic instead of an Aluminum acid bath libation. Please Think before you Drink.  Posted by Hello


At 12:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hurrah! More corrosion, I wondered when you'd get back to it, although I did enjoy your boob quiz!

At 3:38 AM, Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

Yeah, the boob quiz was good. This is just scary!

I couldn't imagine anything worse than being drunk on a cramped passenger plane. Nightmare. I think I'll wait for my private jet to arrive before I drink and fly. :)

At 10:35 AM, Blogger the author said...

I can't believe the things we fly in - thankfully there are people like connie fixing them up - making them safe again.

I can't say that I fly a lot - I will drive the province before I'll fly it - but more for my enjoyment of driving and being in control. We flew to Taiwan a couple years ago and you'd never even known we'd moved - the plane flight was just that good. Flying overseas they basically sat us down, closed the blinds, flicked on a movie and 13 hours we landed. Of course I've had the exact opposite. Flew the the Charlottes in a 12 seater - beautiful flight, then on return two days later the weather had completely changed. I'm sitting in the "airport" (an office), with another Canadian and an American and we are looking at each other like... well these are the last faces were going to see. We thought they would cancel the flight for sure but no - they asked us to walk down to the dock and wait. So we sat down - in the rain and waited - chatting and then the pilot comes over to us and says you guys better stop talking and get on this plane if you think we're going to get out of here. My immediate thought was - well if it is that bad - what the hell are we going for. We get in the plane and off we go - and then we road the charlotte pacific roller coaster for an hour. I didn't barf - amazingly enough - but I was knocking on the vomit door. We would go really high and then hit a pocket and dive towards the water and then literally ride feet above the water. It was complete madness.

Ok - so there is my sharing for the day. :)

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Karen said...

I thought people drank so they *wouldn't* have to think!

I keep checking out the fares for a trip to Vancouver. Still too $$$. No partying with Connie and Jenn for me! :(

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

I've not been on a plane for 11 years. I'm flying to Rome in September. I'm going to die, aren't I?

Jeez Lisa, you flirt with anything.

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tina, you'd better not. blogosphere would dry up quite a bit if ya did.

and if what you say is true 'bout lisa, i wonder what rents are like in alaska?

At 2:26 AM, Blogger Herge Smith said...

Lisa is definately 'a one'.

Connie, how long approx, does it take for a brand spanking new plane to get like this? Y'know typically.

I would like to see some before and afters.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Herge, do you mean how long does it take for new airplane parts to corrode to this point?
If so, it really depends on circumstance.... acidy stuff will cause trouble faster than just water and dirt, but if the part has been treated with corrosion inhibiting compounds and paint it takes quite a long time. If the aircraft is living in the tropics where the air is salty and humid, corrosion happens almost over night.... this is why most derelict aircraft are stored in the Mojave Desert in the U.S. (Dry and hot)
Usually corrosion happens over a span of years on a part that is worn away its protective coating or constantly soaked in a wet dirty acidic atmosphere.
Either that or if Mercury is somehow spilled onto Aluminum it will burn thru in a matter of hours.... Hope no aspiring Terrorists are reading this...

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Lisa you definetly are "a one"
Love you anyways and I possibly would consider picking you up in Vancouver.
I think you would be fun to play with....


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