
- reflections of my life as an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl..... -

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Once I was a child......

I got tagged by Spirit of Owl a few days ago to do a chain letter post thing about the "5 THINGS I MISS MOST FROM CHILDHOOD"...

1. - The one thing that I wish I still had was the buildup excitement for Christmas. Don't you remember how exciting it would all be?!
It was mostly because there were so many happy "traditions" that we did in preparation....School Christmas concerts and bake sales, picking out a tree, decorating it with my chosen "favorite" balls, having a huge dinner party on Christmas eve every year with all our family and friends and my grandad reading us "Night Before Christmas". The presents were always good too, but It was definitely the whole experience I miss. The happy drunken family stuff.....

2 . - I was recently having a laugh with a couple of my workmates about how we all had the same story of taking off on our bikes and be gone for hours at a time just riding around the neighborhood. My brothers and I literally wore a trail into the side of the road to this empty lot that had a huge pile of dirt that we built jumps on. I jumped my damn bike so many time all the welds cracked and my grandad was forever giving us shit about repairing our flat tires.... We NEVER sat inside on a sunny day - EVER!

3. - While we are on the theme of all the fun Tomboy things I enjoyed as a child and now miss....
My grandad used to let us shoot his air-pellet gun... We would spend the morning drawing and coloring targets and spend the afternoon peppering them with holes. Even to this day I still have a wicked shot.

4. - It seems to me that it was always the most memorable fun times I had as a child that generally resulted in me getting in shit.... I remember having a plum fight. It was the most awesome attack.... The plums were all soft and mushy and exploded on impact into gooey splatters.... Fuck was that ever a hilarious experience!
....That is until my mum kicked our ass for ruining our clothes.
Another time we decided to go down to a creek and throw big slimy blobs of clay at each other. God did we ever laugh our asses off! When we finally trudged home we had to face the wrath of my mum's yelling and the power of the freezing cold hose all in the same moments. Torture I tell you...extreme torture, but worth every second!

5. - I really miss someone cooking me supper every night and washing my clothes... (hmmm, I wonder if Jenn would be into being my sweet lil' housewife??????.... Yeah I thought not.)

So there you have it... I wish things were as wondrous and as easy as they were before I became a miserable jaded adult...
We just don't take time to do something completely spontaneous and asinine anymore.... everything has to be so planned-out and perfectly executed that we tend to lose the "fun" factor in everything we do......

So thats it, you heard me, be impulsive! go out and throw rotten plums at your significant other and see how fucking funny that would be!

Back to this overly user-unfriendly blog chain letter thing.....

Apparently there are Rules:
Remove the #1 item from the following list, move everyone up one spot, add your name to #5. You should link to each of the blogs for this to be effective.

Coffee Sage
Lewies Blogs
An Online Diary Of Thoughts
Slightly Inperfect

Next choose 4 victims, list and link to them and don't expect them to oblige.

Tina @ Cakesniffers Beware
April @ Piss Off!
Trillion @ Trillobites
Lisa @ Huh?


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Sniffy said...

I'm not sure I follow what's going on with the linking to blogs thing, but I'll try. I take it we're sticking to the same theme?

I may not be able to do this until tomorrow.

Excellent answers Connie, I like the sound of your childhood, it sounds very happy - hope it was.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Connie said...

Yeah, basically you do the same theme, erase the top name , and add yours under mine and try to find 4 people to "tag" other than the 4 i've already got. (good luck with that!)blah blah blah... I know, this thing is far too complicated... Its a good Idea but the linky shit is a bit tedious.
Oh well, good practice with the ol' "a href =" anyways.....

My childhood was as good as it could be, no complaints here... it sure beat the hell out of some of the crazy shit I've been thru in the last 10 adult years of my life!


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