Best Dirty Lesbian Blog!

Well I'll be damned!
I'VE Been Nominated for Favorite Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Blog at BLOGS BY WOMEN! I am so very flattered. Wow,... I must be doing something right.
Well then, my little gang of faithful readers, I shall attempt to win this glory in a full tribute to you....
so, my darlings, there is only one thing you need to do - You must go HERE - You can check out the other nominees and then just scroll down until you see the "Please Vote Now" icon. But, if you're in a rush, cut the crap and just click HERE. You may vote once every 24 hours for this week only.
....It is after all, your blogging duty.
VOTE CONNIELINGUS! - I shall hand down a swift LICKING to The Competition!
VOTE CONNIELINGUS! - Here to satisfy YOU!

Consider it done. But you know? It's not just about winning things.
I would obviously hate to be nominated for any awards because winning would make me an insufferable bighead. More of an insufferable bighead.
Is that you in that pic? How the hell? What the hell? Bugger me! You don't see that every day.
LOL! Yes... It would be tempting to become an insufferable bighead, but I will try my damndest not too. I just think its a little wild that I would be nominated at all, as my "content" is not really all that Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer themed most of the time, except for my L-word reviews and the occasional mention of my Girlfriend. I'm just a tad bit shocked I suppose.
And, yes, that is me in the pic. I was stuffed down inside an aircraft engine exhaust pipe(with the center section removed) attempting to fix some loose bolts far inside. I was completly covered in greasy soot by the end.
LOL! no, you don't see that everyday!'ve got my vote! Way to go grrrly-grrrl. Now that I've voted I'll go check out the other blogs.
I checked out all the other blogs as well... I think my vote would go to the "creampuff revolution" one.... she seems quite cute.
I'd vote for you but I fear my predaliction for the opposite sex may count me out.
Yes, I am straight. I've come to terms with it now, but it wasn't easy.
Well done.
I'm going to try to vote for you anyway.
Thanks very much Herge. I apprieciate your vote of confidence. When it comes time for nominations for "BEST HUMOROUS NARCISSISTIC SARDONIC HETEROSEXUAL BLOG" I will be sure to sign you up....
Keep up the good work!
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