Watch out for the POPEARRAZZI !

Is it just me, but don't you think it's a bit obscene and almost comical that people would wait in a line for 10 plus hours in the hot sun just to witness the sight of the "ponteriffic one" and spend the whole 10 second intimate moment looking through the viewscreen of their camera-phone....C'mon people...WTF is happening to our society?!?! I'm sure their are a few million poor quality photo's of the gray-faced holy father filling e-mail boxes throughout the world. Doesn't it somewhat cheapen the whole experience? Don't you think there are some things in this life that need to be kept just a personal observation?
- Its like the parents who go to their kids Christmas Concerts and spend the whole time watching it through the video camera instead of taking it in with their own eyes and minds. Don't ya feel as if you are missing something?

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