Tonight We Dance.....
I kinda have a side gig...I'm a wedding DJ.
The whole thing started out innocent enough... One drunken evening at a party 2 summers ago I whipped out my new fangled 20 gig Creative Jukebox Zen MP3 player. Everyone was in awe at my music capacity in such a small compartment - no one even heard of, or gave two shits about the outrageous coolness of the "ipod" yet.
So anyways, my peeps were requesting the songs and the odds were good that I had them in my cassette walkman sized portable jukebox that could hold up to 5000 songs. Everyone got riled up, and one buddy asked if I could play the music at his reception in 2 months..... well dammit all! - the rest is history. I played that wedding with my MP3 player, my Panasonic receiver, and 2 tower speakers - I apparently rocked the joint that fateful night. Since then, by witnessing my mad skills and word of mouth that I am cheap and cheerful, I have managed to serenade 4 couples into nuptial bliss.
- Tonight is my next matrimonial hoe-down. This is actually the first time I am spinning the downloaded digital tunes for a couple I barely know (who hired me at another wedding last summer)... And to boot, they are country music homeys. This has been quite the learning curve, as I have had to research the "who's who" of the yee-haw scene these days. Apparently you can't go wrong with Faith Hill and Tim Mcgraw.
.....SO, If there is any line-dancing or other country music induced shenanigans, I will be sure to snap a pic to show you all the fun and games.

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